Introducing Noodle – the dedicated 4-year-old service dog who’s always on guard for her human, Jacklyn. Being a full-time “good girl” isn’t easy, but Noodle never shies away from her duties. Well, unless there’s a chance of some good ol’ belly rubs and cuddles.
@noodlethepupper Noodle made Mickey’s day #mickeymouse #disneyparks #wdw50 #wdw #disneydog #disneydogs #servicedog #disneytiktok #disneytok #disneycharacter #disneylife #dogreacts #dogreaction ♬ Let's Go To Disney – Fairview
Jacklyn swears Noodle is one of the most affectionate critters you’ll ever meet. Always alert for any signs of medical emergency, she only lets her furry guard down when Jacklyn tells her, “Go say hi”. That’s Noodle’s sign that she’s free to enjoy a petting session.

Off-duty, Noodle’s favorite pastime is to get a little love from anyone willing to spare a hand. But recently, at Disney World, Noodle got to cuddle up with the most magical character of them all – Mickey Mouse. According to Jacklyn, the sight of Mickey made Noodle instantly melt into his arms.
@noodlethepupper When Noodle sees Mickey… it’s all over. #MickeyMouse #meetingmickey #mickeymeetandgreet #servicedog #servicedoglife #disneydog #disneydogs #sorcerermickey #disneyworld #wdw #disneyparks #disneylife #disneytiktok #distok ♬ Disney Pictures Intro – Disney Pictures
Jacklyn and Noodle have been inseparable since Jacklyn adopted her in 2020 during the lockdown. As public spaces began reopening, Noodle got to tag along with Jacklyn to all sorts of fun places – Disney World being one of their favorites.

“The transition to amusement parks was a bit shocking for Noodle at first, but she grew to love it,” Jacklyn admits. Noodle’s enthusiasm for her various adventures is pretty evident.
At Disney, Noodle might seem like she’s always in work-mode – vigilantly looking out for Jacklyn’s well-being – but she gets her share of fun, too. “Noodle knows that queues either mean a thrilling ride or a character meet-and-greet. She loves both,” Jacklyn reveals. So whenever characters are around, Jacklyn makes sure Noodle gets to say hi, provided they’re okay with it.

On her recent encounter with Mickey, Noodle was over the moon. Eagerly waiting for her cue, she dashed over to Mickey and instantly rolled onto her back, signaling her need for a belly rub. Mickey was more than happy to comply, making Noodle the happiest dog in the world.
Any time she can meet Mickey or any of his friends, she’s the happiest little pup,” said. “She deserves all the happiness because she does so much for me.

Even during these delightful encounters, Noodle is always ready to step in if her human needs her. “She’s always ready to alert me, regardless of her ‘off-duty’ status,” Jacklyn says. She insists on returning the favor by giving Noodle as many exciting experiences as possible.
Noodle isn’t just a service dog; she’s also a furry educator. Jacklyn loves how Noodle’s interactions with characters educate others about service animals. “Seeing people’s reactions when Noodle meets characters is super cute. And I love it when parents explain to their kids, ‘That’s a service dog, she’s on break.'”