At first glance, you might assume this Oregon rescue shelter is a summer camp for dogs. Luvable Dog Rescue houses the pups in charming cabins instead of unwelcoming cages.
The pups get to enjoy a total of 55 acres of land in Eugene, Oregon which includes a forest, meadows, hiking trails, and a small country road. The rescue pups can use the outdoor space as a type of therapy to alleviate any trauma the animals might have experienced before being rescued. The dogs are all taken from high-kill shelters, most of them were shortlisted to be euthanized including our favourite set of puppers, Pablo and Picasso.

Liesl Wilhardt, the Executive Director, says that Luvable is a place where dogs can feel safe. “Dogs are able to communicate that to one another, that they are in safe, good place. The healing power of this place has done miracles for some of the dogs. It’s something special about the place, but also about dogs knowing they’re in a good place and telling the new dogs.” Wilhardt has done her research into what the most comfortable, healthy environment would be for the rescue dogs; the signs pointed to furnished cabins along with TVs or radios for background noise.

Wilhardt has even built a “Pit Bull Palace” for our square-headed friends. The pibbles can hang out communally in a large space made especially for them. The bright yellow “Mama Cottage” is used for the pregnant mama dogs who come to Luvable.
David Avocado Wolfe sums up the adorable place in this video:
You’ve only got to take a quick look at Luvable’s Instagram page to know that the rescues are all happy pups!