There’s a new celebrity in town, and this one has four legs and fur (or not). Pets have been steadily gaining in popularity over the past few years, to the point where they are now bona fide celebrities. Just take a look at some of these furry or feathered stars and you’ll see what we mean.

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Doug The Pug Releasing a Picture Book “Doug the Pug and the Kindness Crew”

The world is about to get a little bit brighter this October 18, 2022 with a special release by Doug The Pug. He’s releasing his next eBook titled “Doug the Pug and the Kindness Crew”. This isn’t the first release by the popular pup.

Haiku The Husky a Singing Dog Performing Microphone Woos Near You

Some Huskies just love to sing their woo woos! Take Haiku, for example. This Husky is a true microphone assassin.

Katie Couric’s new show interviews celebs about their rescue pet adoptions

Katie Couric is one of the most iconic people in news media, covering an incredible range of important news stories and interviewing some of the most important people of our time for over 40 years. Now a media mogul, she’s decided to focus some of her journalistic energy on her love of dogs. She just premiered Unleashed, a digital series where she interviews celebrities and their rescue dogs to learn about them and hear their adoption story.

Cedric the Chihuahua a Runt with a Big Reach and Collector of Fine Mice Plushies

Cedric the Chihuahua may have started as the smallest in the litter but he’s the the biggest in the pack now – especially by followers. Sitting at well over 2 million followers across Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, Cedric has become one popular Chihuahua. Despite being the runt of the litter, Cedric has lived a charmed life.

Boris Katloff – It’s Spooky Sphinx Season and this Frankenstein is already in costume

Do you like horror movies? How about horror-themed cats? If you answered yes, then you’ll love Boris Katloff!

Owen the hippo and Mzee the tortoise: A one-of-a-kind friendship

One uniquely heartwarming story that came from the devastating Indian Ocean tsunami in December 2004, is the story of Owen the hippo and Mzee the tortoise. Also known as the Boxing Day Tsunami, this tsunami resulted from the third-largest recorded earthquake in history. While it happened in Asia, it was so strong it even affected the east coast of Africa 4,000 miles away.

Pooky The Munchkin may have short fluffly legs but don’t underestimate her reach

Like most popular Instagram cats, Pooky The Munchkin was started by her parents to document and share their soon-to-be-famous Munchkin cat. Little did they know, Pooky would grow to become a kitty with short furry legs and a large impact on the world around her. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Pooky the Munchkin (@littlemunchiepooky) Munchkin cats are known for their short legs and big personality.

A puppy forever – Meet Ranger, the German Shepherd with dwarfism

This cute lil’ guy is a German Shepherd named Ranger. And you wouldn’t guess by looking at him that he’s already five years old! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ranger (@ranger_thegshepherd) While adorable, this is due to him having pituitary dwarfism, which is a defect caused by inbreeding.

Dash The Corgi – You miss 100% of the shots you never make

There’s nothing quite like working from home with a cute furry friend by your side. But as anyone who has ever tried to work from home with a dog knows, they can be quite distracting. Case in point: Dash the Corgi from @dash_and_furrious.

Chimpanzee escapes zoo, but it starts raining so she gets a jacket and bikes back

A chimp named Chichi decided to take a day trip from her home, which is a zoo in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Screenshot via Pulbic Ukraine / YouTube As seen in the viral video below, she seems happy to be cruising around the neighborhood. Her zookeepers tried to convince her to join them, but with no luck.