Sapphie The Pomsky is a dog that doesn’t hold back how she feels. And if you don’t give her what she wants, well, she knows how to push some buttons. She’s feisty and sassy, and she has won the hearts of over 3 million followers across social media. Her bright blue eyes and fluffy coat are just a cover for what lies underneath. Don’t slack around Sapphie. She has no problem calling you out when she feels like it.
Related: Interview with Sapphie the Pomsky – The sass-talking zoomie queen (and author!)
“What do you think of daddy’s dance move?”
@sapphie_the_pomsky Not sure what’s better- dad’s dance moves or Sapphie’s response 😂😂😂 #dogs #dogchallenge #doglover #smartdog #workit #funnydog ♬ original sound – Sapphie the Pomsky

She looks like a little wolf! Sapphie is a Pomsky which is a popular mix between a Pomeranian and a Siberian Husky. The name Sapphie is short for sapphire which pays tribute to her beautiful deep blue eyes. Eyes that are always watching. You wouldn’t know it by looking at her, but she’s a survivor. At a young age, she was diagnosed with a type of cancer, subcutaneous hemangiosarcoma. For those that know, this one is awful. The survival rate is usually within the year, even in young dogs. Sapphie and her corner fought back though. She not only overcame the surgery and 5 rounds of chemo-therapy, but her humans have even reported that she is in remission!

And it’s dinner time
@sapphie_the_pomsky Anyone need Sapphie to make these kind of decisions for you? 😂😂😂 #smartdog #funnydog #dogs #dog #doglover #pets #lazy ♬ original sound – Sapphie the Pomsky
Even with all her sass, Sapphie loves her humans dearly. And sometimes, she just wants to make sure they are taking care of themselves. That’s why she has a set of buttons that let her talk. Mostly, these buttons just let her throw shade at her humans. For example, WhatAboutBunny, one of the original “talking dogs”, uses her buttons to communicate and ask for walks or treats. Sapphie’s buttons remind you to stop being a “lazy b**ch”.
@sapphie_the_pomsky Sapphie has no shame calling daddy out 😂😂😂 #smartdog #funnydog #dogs #doglover #pets #savage ♬ original sound – Sapphie the Pomsky
Sapphie may be a sassy dog and with some funny buttons but her story is genuine. And the 3 million followers would agree. Follow Sapphie on TikTok, and Instagram.
Related:Interview with Sapphie the Pomsky – The sass-talking zoomie queen (and author!)