Barbra Streisand cloned her dog Samantha that passed away last year. Not once, not twice, but five times! With the cost estimated at between $50-$100,000 per pooch!

After losing her beloved Samantha in 2017, a Coton de Tulear, she just couldn’t let her go. She had a friend who had cloned their dog that passed away and she liked how it turned out, so she decided to give it a shot (5 shots actually). Samantha’s doctor took DNA from her cheeks and skin just before she passed away.

The DNA was sent to ViaGen Pets in Texas, with the hope they’d be able to clone her. It was more successful than they’d hoped, resulting in four healthy puppies. Sadly, the runt of the litter didn’t survive. With two many for her to handle, Streisand gave one puppy to her manager’s assistant and one to the daughter of her A&R man. With both new owners close friends of hers, the family of clones will still get to hang out.

Streisand says the puppies have unique personalities but do look like Samantha when she was a young. She wonders if they’ll have the same serious personality when they grow up.
What do you think of cloning pets? Let us know in the comments!