Simon Gerard is the head writer and treats dealer at Celebrity Pets, where he's been researching and writing about the pampered pets of celebrities, pet influencers, and other pet-related topics since 2016. He also loves deep dives into notable pets throughout history, praising hard-working professional pets, and regaling in heart-warming rescue stories. Instead of interviewing pet parents and managers, Simon is most passionate about interviewing famous fur babies and pet influencers directly, giving them a much-deserved platform for their voice and letting fans get to know the real pet behind their celebrity persona. And what inspires him to write? That would be his muse and fur son Higgins, an incredibly charming and well-dressed Corgipoo.


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Political Correctness Gone Too Far? The Westminster Dog Show Now Includes Cats

A New York City tradition since 1877, this year marks a controversial change for the annual Westminster Dog Show. After 140 years, It will also feature cats! 2016 was considered a rough year by many and 2017 has had a crazy start. So when Twitter heard about this, they didn’t take the news very lightly.

Soccer Superstar Cristiano Ronaldo Saves 80 Shelter Dogs

Cristiano Ronaldo is a known animal lover and is often in photos with his labrador Marosca. He recently showed his love for dog by helping 80 dogs in a shelter that desperately needed it. A dog shelter in Ronaldo’s native Portugal didn’t have the funds to cover $2,100 veterinary bill for the 80 dogs they were caring for.

Puppy Bowl XIII – 5 Furry Facts

If you usually spend your Super Bowl Sunday watching humans play football, you’ve probably been missing out on the Puppy Bowl! Read on to learn about the past and present of this four-legged alternative to the Super Bowl as it enters its 13th year. Great moments from past Puppy Bowls History of the Puppy Bowl Created by Animal Planet, the first Puppy Bowl was held in 2005 during the Superbowl and has been held every Super Bowl since.

How do 80 Pet Falcons of a Saudi Prince Fly? By Booking Them All Plane Tickets of Course!

When most birds want to travel, they usually have to use their wings to do it. But what if you’re a pet falcon of a Saudi Prince? Well then you grab your passport and book a plane ticket of course.

Check Out Paris Hilton’s $325k Dog Villa in Beverly Hills

Paris Hilton’s luxury lifestyle has been part of pop culture since the early 2000s and you can bet her pets live lavishly as well. For proof don’t look further than the backyard of her Beverly Hills mansion. Here you’ll find an Italian-style villa just for her dogs.

Donald Trump – First president without a dog in over 100 years, SAD!

Did you know Donald Trump will be one of the very few presidents that has no dog or even any pets? SAD! Sure he has no military or political experience, but can you imagine the leader of the free world without a faithful dog by his side?

Pablo Escobar’s $7 Million Pet Hippo Cartel Still Run a Colombian Town

25 years since drug kingpin Pablo Escobar was killed, his pet hippo cartel continues to thrive in Columbia. In 1981, Escobar bought four hippos from the San Diego Zoo and flew them on a military Hercules aircraft to his private zoo on his massive estate called Hacienda Napoles. He reportedly paid $2 million USD in cash, which equals to around $7 million in 2023.