Winston, a Frenchie and champion show dog, just made history at the American Kennel Club’s 2022 National Dog Show. By being crowned “Best in Show”, he became the first French Bulldog to pull off a first-place win at the National Dog Show, beating out around 1,500 canine competitors.

And you may look at this 3-year-old creme-colored cutie and think he’s an overnight success. But he’s actually as dedicated to his sport as his human, L.A. Chargers defensive end Morgan Fox, with 78 dog show titles under his collar. In June, he came in second place (Reserve Best in Show) at the iconic Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. Earlier in the year, he came first in the Non-Sporting Group in the 2022 Philidelphia National Dog Show.
For another accomplished French Bulldog, meet Walter Geoffrey: The sassy AF opera-singing Frenchie.