Today in unlikely animal friendships, meet Bella and Bubbles.
The duo doesn’t mind their extreme size difference. Bubbles is an African elephant and Bella’s a black Labrador, both are residents at the Myrtle Beach Safari in South Carolina. They’ve become the best of friends, bonding over their shared love for swimming.

Bubble’s was the product of ivory poachers. Her parents were killed during a 20-year slaughter of elephants in Africa for their tusks. Bubbles was one of few elephants adopted, the rest had to be released or killed since there wasn’t enough room in facilities. With full-grown elephants reaching from 5 to 14 tons, that’s no surprise.

Bubbles currently weighs in at 9 tons. Herself and Bella make an odd pair as they splash around in the water, but they don’t seem to notice. Bella was also abandoned as a puppy by the contractor who was hired to build Bubbles’ pool. Luckily, the two animals found each other. It goes to show that family is often what you make it.

For more unlikely animal friendships, check out Max and Quackers.