Two Burmese kitties named Tara and Willow are blowing up on Instagram thanks to their hilarious recreations of famous movie scenes @moviecats. Along with their humans Dave and Sarah, they’ve posted 12 scenes on Instagram so far, already racking up over 60,000 followers.

Their humans Dave and Sarah said that they were inspired by a pub quiz they have every few weeks, that regularly includes movie and tv trivia. They take photos and pose with the cats, then edit them together in photoshop. They post them without saying which movie it’s from, letting their followers guess. While they’re all talented artists and performers who do it for their fans, rumor is Tara and Willow are only in it for the treats. Parodied films include Alien, E.T., American Beauty, The Shining, The Notebook and more. See if you can guess them all below!