Dogs are taking over the world! Okay, maybe not the whole world, but they are definitely making a name for themselves in the entertainment industry. You’ve probably seen pictures of famous dogs on social media with millions of followers, and now some of them are getting movie deals and even book deals. It seems like anything a dog does is adorable and worth following, and we can’t get enough of their antics.


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Dog Stolen By Amazon Delivery Driver, Desperate Owner Contacts Jeff Bezos for Safe Return

This was an Amazon return delivery that made one customer happier than usual. Richard Guttfield’s world fell apart when an Amazon delivery driver broke into his house and stole his miniature schnauzer puppy, Wilma. Guttfield was working in a converted barn beside his home in Marsworth, England when he had a package delivered.

Amazon HQ’s Dog Friend Office has 6,000 dogs and they have the best office perks

Office dogs have always been part of Amazon’s work culture. It started with a married couple that were original Amazon employees, who would bring in their Welsh corgi named Rufus. He was loved by the staff and felt Rufus improved their time in the office.

BFF Dogs Tragically Separated After Adoption: Reunited At Last

You might remember last weeks post about Blue Dozer and OJ, the two best friends that anyone could have. To recap, OJ is a blind 12-year-old Dachshund whose BFF and guide-dog is a pitbull named Blue Dozer. The two were surrendered to a shelter when their owner could no longer care for them.

Hero Dog Saves Family From House Fire

Chrome, who was once a rescue dog himself, was finally able to repay his adoptive family. A fire destroyed the Smith’s family home in Bastrop County, Texas but they were able to escape with their lives thanks to the family dog, Chrome. The family adopted Chrome from Bastrop County Animal Shelter in November.

Pitbull with Cancer Checks ‘Day of Destruction’ Off Her Bucket List

Ella has breast cancer and a hollow diagnosis, but that doesn’t mean her last days have to be sad ones. She was brought in as a pregnant 5-year-old stray by Rescued Ohio; only two months after being placed with foster mom Brittnie Baker, Ella found out she has terminal cancer. Baker decided to make sure Ella’s last few weeks were going to be as amazing as possible – starting with a Day of Destruction.

Yodel Kid Serenades Doug the Pug and it’s 🔥

The Yodel Kid aka Mason Ramsey (yes, he has a name. We were just as surprised as you) serenaded Doug the Pug and it was everything. Mason Ramsey, the subject of the viral video below, rose like a phoenix from the ashes.

Chris Evans’ dog Dodger serenades him with the Lion King soundtrack

Foolishly, Chris Evans thought he could film a scene for Gifted in an animal shelter and not leave with a dog. Luckily for himself and Dodger, that was a lie. The Avengers star adopted Dodger that day.

Beaux Tox The Yellow Lab Proves Beauty is Only Skin Deep

World, meet Beaux Tox @beaux_tox_love: the yellow lab with a heart of gold and some pretty unconventional good looks. Beaux Tox has a facial ‘deformity’ which only makes him cuter. He has six brothers and sisters; during their shared time in the womb, things got a little crowded.

Best Friend Orphan Dogs Blue Dozer and OJ Adopted Together

Blue Dozer and OJ might be an unlikely pair, but two bestfriends have never been closer. Blue Dozer is a 6-year-old Staffordshire Terrier who acts as a guide-dog for his blind best-friend, 12-year-old OJ the Dachshund. They were surrendered to Richmond Animal Care and Control in Virginia when their owner became homeless and could no longer provide the care they needed.

Dog Misdiagnosed with Cancer but Actually Just Loves Eating Teddy Bears

Maisy is a St Bernard with a penchant for eating things she shouldn’t. Like any worried mother, Jane Dickinson rushed Maisy to the vet when she realized something was wrong with her 8-year-old fur baby. Following a CT scan by vet Nick Blackburn of Paragon Veterinary Referrals, Maisy was diagnosed with cancer.