There are many ways to communicate in this world but none translate quite like a genuine wide eyed smile. We’re not talking about that half “smile-til-you-love-it” type of smile. It’s that sweet bona fide “I’m having a good time” kind of smile that radiates in a room. Meet Roxy Depalma, a pot belly pig that doesn’t stop smiling. Just makes you want to smile too.
Nom Nom Nom
Happiness is FOOD
@roxxydepalma Ñam ñam ñam ñam #ñam #ñamñam #minipig #mascotas #mascotastiktok #roxxydepalma ♬ sonido original – ✨🐽ROXY🐽✨
Life is GOOD
With her mom Mónica @monica_gch8
Make sure to follow Roxy for your daily dose of happy on Instagram and TikTok.
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