When we thought we couldn’t love Sir Patrick Stewart anymore, he goes and takes in a rescued pit bull named Ginger. In between all the time needed to promote his new film Logan with Hugh Jackman, he’s found the time to help the ASPCA and Wags and Walks to help find Ginger a new home.

Ginger was bred for illegal pit bull fighting, but is very lucky to be rescued and spend some quality time with Professor X himself. Stewart said this was the first dog he’s looked after in 50 years, but it didn’t stop the pair from hitting it off the second they met. And despite her rough start in life, Ginger is clearly a loving dog (but who wouldn’t get excited meeting Patrick Stewart?) Check out the video below for proof:
Thanks to @ASPCA and @WagsandWalks Sunny and I are finally fostering our 1st pitbull! Meet Ginger. I’m in LOVE. #AdoptDontShop pic.twitter.com/VQUBDvZhi9
— Patrick Stewart (@SirPatStew) March 8, 2017
The cutest part of the clip was Patrick waiting by the door like he was the dog lol. We’re sure with all the press Ginger is getting, she’ll find her forever home in no time! (But not until after they have a little fun by the pool together.)
The swimming lesson that wasn’t. Our foster pibble Ginger is perfect afternoon company. @ASPCA @WagsandWalks #AdoptDontShop pic.twitter.com/yDWiXbCSXS
— Patrick Stewart (@SirPatStew) March 9, 2017