Minion, known to his followers as Lord Minion, is a tiny 10-year-old rescue mutt who lives a #homestead life in West Virginia with his human, Nate Petroski. Petroski adopted the pug-dachshund-chihuahua mix when he was around 6 months old, with the pair originally living in the city.

Minion loves his new life out in the country, spending his days roaming the great outdoors – Except the little guy isn’t a big fan of rain. So his dad Nate got him a perfectly sized umbrella. The cute video immediately went viral.
Before his dad upgraded his umbrella with a stick to chomp on for maximum rain coverage, Minion started off holding it with the tiny handle, which wasn’t optimal.
After his umbrella tragically broke, his fans were quick to send him replacements. So many that it started raining umbrellas!
But his umbrella setup is still a work in progress that the pair is constantly improving on.
Nate actually tried a head-mounted umbrella previously, but with so many new followers asking if about it, he decided to post a video to settle the debate.
And the umbrella isn’t just for staying dry – It’s also an excellent sunscreen alternative.
Minion is even adding the umbrella into his circus routine!
But Minion doesn’t spend all his days taking it easy, strolling around with his umbrella. He occasionally pitches in around the homestead.
For more Minion, follow @oneandonlyminion on TikTok, @natepetroski on Instagram, and @nateandminion on Facebook.