Loulou the pug is a SnapChat filter come to life – she puts the bae in basic. No joke, this pug is cuter than anything (and anyone) we’ve ever seen.

Loulou’s Instagram was created as a byproduct of Markus Muller’s brainchild, Meet The Pugs. Meet The Pugs is “an animated sitcom about the everyday adventures of half-human half-pug characters” currently in development. Muller started photographing Loulou in order to gather facial expression references for the sitcom and voila! Pugloulou on Instagram blew up.

The photo’s are massively popular (obviously, with over 98k followers) and have led to branding Meet The Pugs as more than just a developing sitcom. There’s now an entire range of merchandise created to satiate Loulou’s frothing fanbase, including calendars, T-shirts, art prints and even a book.

Loulou The Pug: A Book By MeetThePugs was written by Markus Muller and Yasmina Abelilah. It’s full of cute Loulou photographs and witty quotes.

She’s friends with a mini-horse, loves floating around pools on adorable floaties, and rocks a flower crown better than any Coachella princess could hope to.

For more excellent pug tales (see what we did there?!), check out Doug the Pug or this UK woman who literally owns 30 pugs.