After starting her search for a Chief Treats Officer in June and a round of intensive voting in October, Kaley Cuoco has finally appointed her first CTO!

Hoagie, a rescue dog, is the lucky but clearly qualified new corporate canine member of Cuoco’s Oh Norman! pet company. Hoagie was adopted and given the perfect name by Emily Reas and Julia Ptasznik a year ago. Cuoco surprised Hoagie’s parents with his new executive role over a video call.
Over 3,000 good boys and girls applied for the CTO role, which was then narrowed down to a shortlist that the public could vote on. The pup hired receives a $10,000 yearly salary – And yes tons of complimentary treats and swag.
Hoagie ran a strong campaign combining his laid-back vibe with his dedication to giving back to his canine community.
Hoagie is known for his proprietary “double bubble” treat rating system where his saliva bubbles let us know how tasty a treat is.
He’s easily settling into his new role and even got professional photos taken for his LinkedIn!
And while he’s now a top dog in the corporate canine world, he won’t forget where he came from and will continue to advocate for adoption and against Breed-Specific Legislation.
You can follow his new corporate canine career on Instagram at @hoagieshaus. For more Cuoco content, see her 17-month-old daughter taking her first horseback riding lesson.