One of Jim Carrey’s most iconic roles was playing Ace Ventura, a pet detective in Florida. But Jamie Katz, also based in Florida, is the real deal. Katz is a licenced private investigator and K9 handler that specializes in finding lost, missing, and stolen pets in her home state of Florida and across the country. And besides all her human detective techniques, she also will employ the help of trained tracking dogs if needed.

One of her more exciting cases was back in March when she saved a cute lil’ pomeranian named Mario. Mario and his humans live in Ft. Lauderdale, where Mario went missing from their backyard one morning. The thing is, their backyard overlooks a canal. They used a kayak to search for Mario for eight hours with no luck and feared Mario could have already drowned. They didn’t give up hope though and called Katz, who was able to arrive that afternoon. Katz and Mario’s mom searched the surrounding canal again. But this time, Katz’s skilled ear heard a quiet whimper… She quickly jumped into the canal and was able to locate and pull out the scared pup. And it took only 7 minutes to solve the case!
You can follow @jamiekatzpetdetective on TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook.