Kobe Alexander is a rescued husky who was known around his neighborhood for being a chill dude. Then last Christmas, he became known as a hero – Both to his neighbors and across the country. The week before Christmas, he started persistently digging a hole in his front yard.

Being unusual for his laid-back personality, his human Chanell decided to investigate. Using a gas detector she happened to buy previously, she found a gas leak in the now-deep hole. City workers discovered several important gas lines that needed repairing – And without Kobe’s discovery, it could have resulted in an explosion that would have devastated his block! Kobe has since become a recognized hero and published author, who kindly made time to have an interview with us.
Celebrity Pets: To start us off, how did you and human meet? How were your puppy years?
Kobe: I was born originally in Mexico and got flown over to the US when I was just about 6/7 months old , my original family sadly did not have room for me and didn’t want me anymore. They even threatened to put me down! A relative heard the news here in America and made the arrangements to bring me over. They unfortunately didn’t have any room for me either considering they had doggos of their own but they made sure to work hard to find me a loving home. I had been to about 3 different new homes since then and was brought back each time because I wasn’t a good fit for their lifestyle or wanted to run away. During that time my mommy found this out but still accepted the challenge to come meet me even though she had a lot she had going on herself. When we met it was as if we already knew each other, when she walked up to me she seemed so shocked and happy! I was named Alex originally but I didn’t really care for that name, when she looked at me she said the same thing and I knew we would hit it off after that. She looked like she was thinking hard and then said the name Kobe and of course I responded immediately and looked at her because that’s the name I choose for myself, It’s like she read my mind or something! That kinda freaked her out but she was still super happy and excited and opened the car door and I hopped right in! After that everything was amazing, I was finally Home. I met my big sister and we did all kinds of fun stuff together like going on trails and hikes!
CP: So I hear you’re not a big digger, but then one day just before Christmas you just had to dig… Please tell us why and walk us through it.
Kobe: Well I don’t like to get my paws dirty too much and prefer to play with my stuffies so digging just isn’t my thing. At our new house I enjoyed sitting out front people watching and smelling dogs go by but one day I smelled something that had my nose going crazy! So I began to dig to see what it was, when I did the smell got so much stronger and it smelled just wrong so I wanted my mommy to see for herself. She came out and saw my work and could you believe she was shocked, covered it up, and even laughed in my face?!? After that, I felt like I was in jail because I couldn’t sit out front for a few days because my mom thought I had to get over my new hobby… Little did she know I was trying to be the newfound hero that I am today. Just a few days before Christmas she let me out with her to help her set up and I knew that this was my chance! When she went back in I immediately dug the hole again. When she came back out she looked so sad and yelled out why did I do it and I’m literally looking at her like she’s crazy wondering how she doesn’t smell what I do… This time I tried to stand my ground and she had to literally pull me away from the hole, when I went inside she calmed down tho and actually started petting me. I overheard her say she was going to check the hole and that maybe I was trying to tell her something and I’m like “yeah mom go go go!” Soon after I heard beeping and then big trucks came and everything was super serious all of a sudden but eventually everything went back to normal.

CP: How did you mom react when she noticed your out-of-character digging? What were her thoughts?
Kobe: She was at first confused and thought I was being a typical pup but I’m no normal pooch and she eventually realized that.
CP: How did the city workers react when they found out you discovered the leak?
Kobe: They said how much of a good boy I was and were super proud, they said I have a great nose and that I’m special because of it!
CP: What could have happened if you didn’t follow your snout and make this discovery?
Kobe: Well from what my mommy said, really really bad things… I could smell how bad it was so I know I didn’t want my family to get hurt so I had to save them like they saved me. From what I’ve been hearing we could have gotten really sick or lost everything even our lives from an explosion or from it not being found.
CP: Do you have any advice for people looking to discover or prevent gas leaks?
Kobe: Definitely pay attention to your pet’s behavior because they can’t communicate with you like they wish they could (but we try our best!) Learning our behavior is key for a healthy relationship and it helps when you notice something different going on with us. Besides that my mommy says to keep a gas reader on hand if you’re able to if you’re in an older home or neighborhood to check because it’s better to be safe than sorry. Sometimes you have to rely on yourself to make sure things are working properly and safe.
CP: How does it feel to be recognized across the country as a canine hero?
Kobe: I love all the treats and rubs! It’s really cool that so many people love and know me now. I’m a simple pup , as long as I get my daily walks and my yummies I’m a happy camper.
CP: Can you share any memorable moments from your community or online fans after the news broke?
Kobe: So much has happened, I’ve been on the news a few times and I’ve gotten lots of treats sent to me. I was even honored with a PETA Heroic Dog Award (but my favorite thing out the box was the toys and treats!) So many people from across the world have reached out to tell me how much of a good boy I am from Trinidad to the UK! Most recently, I was named “2024 Block Captain” in Philly Mag.
CP: What would your mom say makes you unique? Do they have any funny quirks?
Kobe: She’s always so amazed by how much I sleep. A guy gotta get his beauty rest so I spend most of my day relaxing and sleeping. She says it’s pretty weird for my breed but I’m comfortable and get my occasional zoomies in. Other than that she says I’m super funny and have a big personality and I sureee do! I like to express myself and I’m a total goof ball that loves to have fun, I’m kinda clumsy but I’m cute so I get a pass.
CP: Do you have a special talent or do any tricks?
Kobe: My special talent is my amazing super sniffing nose of course! Besides that I’m pretty energy sensitive and when something or someone seems off I let my mom know with my barks or behavior. I can sit, stay, fetch, and give high fives but that’s all when I’m in the mood lol.
CP: How do you like to spend your time and kick back?
Kobe: I like to sleep and cuddle with my fam, they make for great pillows! When I’m not sleeping I love sniffing around the neighborhood and getting my daily exercise in. Nothing tops eating tho and I eat whenever I get the chance!
CP: What’s the naughtiest thing you’ve done?
Kobe: Wellll… I did rip up my mom’s favorite stuffy that she got at an alpaca farm – But in my defense it was super fluffy and when I saw it I just couldn’t resist!
CP: Is it true that you’re considering a career in politics?
Kobe: Yes, I’ve thought long and hard on this and I believe that with my skill and knowledge that I can truly make a difference. I’m paws-on when it comes to solving problems, the safety of others is my top priority. I’m a pup that’s for the people and have been making waves across the globe! Kobe for president 2025!!!
CP: When your life story is turned into a feature film, what celebrity would play you and your mom? Who would co-star?
Kobe: If Brad Pitt could put on a fur suit then it would be and ideal casting for sure second best would be one of the Husky pups from Eight Below because those dogs are tough! As for my mommy KeKe Palmer or Halle Bailey or Zendaya would be pretty cool, she loves watching them! As for the co-star I would leave it up to the public to decide.
CP: If you hosted a TED Talk, what would the topic be?
Kobe: Why daily treats are important and totally necessary
CP: If you just won the lottery, what’s the first thing you’d buy or do?
Kobe: I’d honestly go to every dog-friendly amusement park known to man and buy an endless supply of peanut butter treats as a start!
CP: Is there a charity or non-profit organization you’d like to give a shoutout to?
Kobe: Shouts out to PETA!
CP: Are there any pet influencers or creators you’re a fan of that you’d like to give a shoutout to?
Kobe: Me and mom love to watch @good.boy.ollie and @cody.taurus but honestly there’s sooooo many talented creators out there, we love em all! Also can’t forget @themeatmuseum yum!
CP: So you’ve recently become an author! How was the experience writing it and what message do you hope people find reading it?
Kobe: Having no thumbs has its drawbacks but with the help from my mom the story was able to reach many hands and homes! The process was amazing and overall I wanted to highlight the story in a whimsical and engaging way so that it could be a great story for everyone to read and remember! While telling the heroic tale I also wanted to bring awareness to the risks and possibilities of gas leaks within or surrounding homes. I’d like to think that it captures the importance of a strong relationship and bond between you or your furry friend – I’ve always aspired to be a writer and there are many more stories I can’t wait to share!
CP: Have any exciting plans coming up?
Kobe: Most definitely! For starters I’ve been working hard on a unique clothing line that showcases handcrafted wearable art catered to the fashion-forward canine! There’s also more heartfelt tales in the works and you may even see us again on your TV screens.
CP: Thanks for your time Kobe and thanks for saving your block!
You can follow @kobealexanderthehusky on Instagram and Facebook, as well as his mom Chanell at @thenames_babe. You can also check out our original article on Kobe from last Christmas.