Ham Arang (함아랑) is a Bichon Frise in Korea with facial expressions so epically cute she’s now a celebrity pet known the world over.

Even if this fluffball has an angry look on her face, you can’t help but smile. Apparently, she’s pissed she wasn’t invited to dinner.
But at least she got treated to a delicious cappuccino. (And in case you’re worried about her caffeine intake, the translated caption says it’s a dogappucino)
Here’s Ham Arang doing the classic doggy window dance.
And here’s Ham Arang taking a flying lesson.
Just a kid trying to process that a snowball became sentient.
Ham Arang in her raincoat and cap makes any rainy day a bit brighter.
#spoileralert Ham Arang has a little brown BFF!

She also has a crew you can catch her chillin’ with, such as @puudlegguggu_
You can follow Ham Arang and her funny face at @arang2o_o on Instagram and Facebook.
For another fluffy pup, check out Tato Bear: a Photogenic maltipoo with a passion for design.