Coldplay continues to be one of the biggest rock bands in the world, with their recent concert in Kuala Lumpur selling out in three hours and becoming the biggest show the Bukit Jalil National Stadium has ever seen with 75,000 attendees. The fans unable to get a ticket were sadly stuck with the option of paying up to $600 USD for a ticket, which is over eight times the original price…

But how did one ingenious fan get a VIP view of Chris Martin and co without paying? By being a frog, of course! They did need some help, which came from Instagram user @joeysugar_j who kindly picked the froggy up for a better view. After enjoying the opening song, “Higher Power,” Joey found a safe spot on the grass to release the frog.
But jokes aside, Joey was primarily saving the frog from getting trampled by Coldplay fans too pumped up to notice a tiny frog hopping around. And besides being a fan of Coldplay, Joey is also a fan of frogs. Sadly, her rescued froggy Pac-Man (seen below) passed away in September, but Joey was able to save a frog’s life – while giving it an amazing story to tell their friends back at the pond!

Wierd Kaya spoke with Joey, who also helps rescue and feed stray dogs and cats, on the memorable moment. In a quick move, she noticed the frog and realized it was in trouble due to the crazy crowd, and scooped it up.

Joey managed to hold onto the frog for less than 10 minutes, as it kept slipping away. After enjoying the opening song together, she found concert staff who showed her a safe spot to release the frog. She said she would have like to keep the frog as a pet, but the concert was too long and loud for the frog, so it was best to release it safely.
For a concert-loving canine: A metalhead German Shepherd snuck in and watched a Metallica Concert