Pets have always been there right when we need them, but sometimes they need help too. Fortunately, many of these animals are rescued by kind-hearted individuals who provide them with a loving home. These rescues are the very best of humanity.
Rescues Stories
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Oyen the Ginger Cat Joins a Capybara Family, Then the Malaysian Zoo Makes It Official
Cats are known to just turn up and declare wherever they are as their home. In the case of Oyen, it was with a Capybara family instead of humans.
These Elderly Brothers Made a Train for Their Rescues (Then Other Stray Dogs Joined)
Eugene and Corky Bostick are two awesome 80-year-old humans who spent decades rescuing dogs, which inspired their DOG TRAIN!
Living With Pickles: A Surfing Painting Therapy Pig With a Rescue Animal Family
Pickles is an inspirational porker that's an athlete, artist, therapist, and animal adoption advocate. What can't this little piggy do!
Lovely Kupata: The Street Dog Who Became a Crossing Guard (and International Celebrity)
Kupata, despite living on the street, decided to become a crossing guard for school children, which led to him becoming an international celebrity!
Bunny’s Benz: Disabled Rescue Dog Gets Custom Mercedes Wheelchair
A comment saying, "This dog deserves the Mercedes Benz of wheelchairs!" led to it becoming a reality!
The Tale of Sparky, the Brave Rescue Pig, and his Feline Bestie
Just two years old, Sparky the rescued pig has shown grit that’ll put the bravest to shame. Found in a garage as a piglet by Tiffany Paltauf, the brain behind Sleepy Pig Farm, Sparky has since battled and bested nasty parasites and mange. Sure, he’s small, but Sparky’s spirit?
The Antics of Ivar the Incredible Blind Cat and His Special Needs Fur Siblings
Meet Ivar, a rescued blind cat, and Baby Toad, a rescue with short front legs, and the rest of their exceptional kitty crew!
The Unstoppable Dogs: A Canine Biker Gang That Triumphed Over Tragedy
Here are six disabled but unstoppable dogs who live happy lives and inspire everyone they meet, thanks to some amazing humans!
The Story of Jotto and Pea: The Baby Elephant and Ostrich Orphans That Became Best Friends
Jotto the baby elephant and Pea the baby ostrich both lost their moms, but they were lucky to find each other!
Meet Juno, a Rescued Sea Otter and Basketball Star at the Oregon Zoo (Video)
You have to see this sea otter slam dunk! And she doesn't just do it for clout; it's a great way for her to stay in shape and improve her mental health!