There’s a new celebrity in town, and this one has four legs and fur (or not). Pets have been steadily gaining in popularity over the past few years, to the point where they are now bona fide celebrities. Just take a look at some of these furry or feathered stars and you’ll see what we mean.
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Diver and a Smiley Fish Hang Out Every Day
Underwater photographer and free diver, Yuki Nakano, swims in Hawaii, with a fish that has the cutest smile and it visits her every day. Even though she usually tries to keep her distance, this little fish wants to get close and friendly. Nakano first met the the fish in February at a popular snorkeling point on Oahu.
Max the Miracle Dog Gets a Statue
Max the Miracle Dog, the famous four-legged hero, has been honored with a permanent bronze statue perched on a bench in Hope Park. An English Springer Spaniel, Max is an online star with regular updates from Kerry Irving’s. Photos and videos of their time together at charity walks, lakes, and guest appearances have made the popular spaniel a celebrity.
Lost Senior Dog Reunited in San Francisco in 5 Hour Chase
Nieve a local San Francisco senior dog had an adventure-filled month. The lost white terrier evaded animal control for over five hours in a spectacular chase. The story ends with a positive note as the senior was reunited with her family.
America’s Got Talent Pam and Casper the Singing Chihuahua
“America’s Got Talent” introduced a cuddly new addition to its alumni recently – Casper the Chihuahua, and his owner Pam. This isn’t any ordinary singing act! From work office talent shows, to the center stage, Casper wow’d the judges of the popular show.
How To Make Your Pet Insta-famous – & Get Rich While You’re At It
We’ve all stumbled across dogs on Instagram who are pulling in more cash than we could hope to. So how do you make your own pet insta-famous and cash in on that sweet, sweet pet-celebrity status? 1. Find Your Niche What’s different about your furbaby?
Good Boys Only: Vancouver Police Department Releases K9 Unit Calendar
The Vancouver Police Department has released their annual calendar, which features only the furry heroes on their force. This tradition was started in 2004 by a Vancouver police sergeant who lost his wife to breast cancer. The #VPDK9 2019 Calendar is also available at:Tisol – Main St, Arbutus, & Grandview HwyVancouver Police Museum2120 Cambie & 3585 Graveley StWest Coast Veterinary DentalChildren’s Hospital Fdn OfficeBC Cancer Fdn @ W.8th/Heather StAll VPD Community Police Stns#thankyou— VPD Canine Unit (@VPDCanine) October 23, 2018 With proceeds of sales going to support the BC Cancer Foundation and the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation, they have raised over $200,000 since.
Camp Fire in California Displaces Hundreds of Pets, Rescuers Save Pack of Dogs
Dan Sauvageau, a developer from Roseville, California, went to find his friends pets but ended up with a lot more than he bargained for. When Sauvageau’s friends had to evacuate Magalia, California on Sunday they were unable to get all of their animals in time. Sauvageau was able to drive the 90 miles to rescue their pets, a donkey, a mastiff puppy, three goats, and a cat.
Camel Wandering Down Highway During Snowstorm Sparks Confusion, Hilarity Ensues
Snow Camel took Twitter by storm. People were posting videos left, right, and centre, asking themselves where did this heroic camel come from? Chillin in the snow on the side of Route 309 in Pennsylvania, Snow Camel looked way out of place.
Unlikely Animal Friendship: Jack and Diane, the Donkey-Emu Pair Will Melt Your Heart
Today’s unlikely animal friendship features Jack and Diane, two American kids growin’ up in the heartland. Just kidding. They’re a donkey and an emu who are super in love.
Swindler Dog Runs Pizza Scam Pretending to be Homeless
Another dog is running a homeless-scam to score free food. Instead of McDonald’s burgers, this time it’s Little Caeser’s pizza. The scam is so simple it’s brilliant.