There’s a new celebrity in town, and this one has four legs and fur (or not). Pets have been steadily gaining in popularity over the past few years, to the point where they are now bona fide celebrities. Just take a look at some of these furry or feathered stars and you’ll see what we mean.
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Chimpanzee escapes zoo, but it starts raining so she gets a jacket and bikes back
A chimp named Chichi decided to take a day trip from her home, which is a zoo in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Screenshot via Pulbic Ukraine / YouTube As seen in the viral video below, she seems happy to be cruising around the neighborhood. Her zookeepers tried to convince her to join them, but with no luck.
Paris Hilton’s dog Diamond Baby is missing!
Paris Hilton, iconic fur mom who has 16 dogs living in a doggy mansion behind her human mansion, has sadly lost one. She posted to Instagram yesterday that Diamond Baby, a teacup chihuahua she got in October 2016, went missing last Wednesday. View this post on Instagram A post shared by #FindDiamondBaby (@hiltonpets) On Instagram, she says that while at a photoshoot, movers were at her house and must have left a door open.
Guess who gets Queen Elizabeth II’s royal corgis? Hint: It’s not King Charles III!
It’s official — the dearly departed Queen Elizabeth II’s royal corgis have a new home! Earlier this week, it was announced that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II had left her two beloved dogs, Muick and Sandy, to the Duke and Duchess of York. And, surprisingly, not King Charles III!
Boomer The Landcloud is One of the Most Recognizable Dogs of the Decade
If you get a daily dose of pet therapy like us, you will have seen Boomer The Landcloud. It’s not the 3.2 million followers that makes him popular. It’s the fact that he’s been re-shared by just about every pet channel for the last couple years.
Paris Hilton and her dog Dolce model Hello Kitty for New York Fashion Week
Paris Hilton, an icon for her love of fashion and pets, recently modelled at New York Fashion Week. And she hit the catwalk wearing Hello Kitty, which she has been a long-time fan of. Dolce, one of her four chihuahuas, was by her side modelling a tiny yellow dress.
Phineas The Wobbly Kitty Thriving with Cerebellar Hypoplasia
If you are one of the half a million people that follow @orangeisthenewblackandtan, you’ll have met the star of the channel, Phineas, Phin, or simply the “Wobbly Kitty”. Phin joins the roster of other amazing pets with like Fenix Lumiere the prancing dog and Josh the Doodle of the Be Like Josh Foundation. These pets do more than just look cute on social media.
Dustin & Tayto Just a Couple Best Buds Throwing Shade At Each Other
Our pets never cease to surprise us with their antics, clever ways of doing things, and emotional intelligence. Lassie may have saved Timmy from the well for television, but that’s not far fetched from some real life situations. Pets do amazing things for their humans.
Dolly Parton launches perfectly named dog accessories brand “Doggy Parton”
Dolly Parton, legendary for both her music and her love of dogs, has launched her own dog accessories brand perfectly named “Doggy Parton”. A collaboration between her and her French bulldog Billy the Kid (aka @BTKthefrenchie). View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dolly Parton (@dollyparton) The main highlights of the brand are some proceeds will go to the Willa B.
Roxy aka @roxxydepalma The Pot Belly Pig With the Biggest Smile In The World
There are many ways to communicate in this world but none translate quite like a genuine wide eyed smile. We’re not talking about that half “smile-til-you-love-it” type of smile. It’s that sweet bona fide “I’m having a good time” kind of smile that radiates in a room.
Sam known as @samhaseyebrows might have 99 problems, but lashes ain’t one
Sam is a famous cat model out of New York, but he wasn’t always a celebrity. In March 2012, his parents found him hanging around their neighborhood looking kind of lost. The soon-to-be famous kitty would later be swept up in a whirlwind of fans as he became known as the “cat with eyebrows”.