The “sad not sad” cat known as BenBenCatCat hit the internet around 2016 and you can tell he lives every day like it was his last. It’s hard to believe that the cat was literally a day away from being euthanized when you see him sharing his antics on Instagram. The happy-go-lucky cat has spent his last few years soaking up the cuddles, appearing for sponsorship deals, and selling calendars off his website.
Before he was BenBenCatCat, the stray kitty was brought to the BC SPCA with a number of injuries. Upon arrival, he was transferred to the Vancouver Animal Emergency And Referral Centre where he was diagnosed with several from puncture wounds, infected lacerations, and a crushed spine. He could barely move and one of his ears was badly damaged.
Many people came to visit the cat that was soon to become BenBenCatCat, the internet sensation. Unfortunately once people discovered the extent of his injuries, potential adopters were scared away. After spending 10 days in the hospital, he was deemed unadoptable and scheduled for euthanasia on May 1.

Soon came veterinarian technician Sandy Windover. Sandy works at the Vancouver ER Animal Centre and had met BenBenCatCat before. After learning the news, she quickly messaged her partner, Adam, to see if she could bring BenBen home. One thing led to another and BenBen had a forever home!

Now lets fast forward to 2020. BenBenCatCat achieved Internet stardom when he went viral in 2016 for being “the saddest cat on the Internet”. Now in 2020, BenBen was making his debut on Netflix.
“It’s pretty fun and rewarding having an internet famous cat. We get to use our platform to spread awareness on adopting shelter animals and making a difference in our community… He’s definitely not as sad as he looks. In the early days; even we would cry at how sad he looked, at how much he fought to want to walk and play. Now he uses those sad eyes to get extra cheese.”
Benben’s Owners reported to Narcity
The Netflix documentary was titled “Cats the Mewvie” and it featured BenBen as well as other socially famous cats. It has been a few years since all off this happened. Luckily, the Internet never forgets.
BenBen will always require pain medications due to crushing injuries to several locations along his spine and he also had to battle a bone infection but he has come a long way since. Make sure to stop by BenBenCatCat’s Instagram and show some love for this amazing survivor.