Aaron Benitez, better known for his handle @aaronsanimals, and even better known for being the cat dog of Prince Michael – Just dropped another one of his always-incredible videos, with this featuring his chronically single French Bulldog.

While watching the Disney classic, Lady and the Tramp, Aaron noticed that everyone was coupled up – Except for his lonely Frenchie… And in true @aaronsanimals form, he went all out to cheer him up. This involved building a pet-sized Italian restaurant, complete with custom stone tile flooring. Despite his date being pre-stuffed, the Frenchie seemed very content to stuff himself on handmade pasta and one giant meatball.
Usually, his viral videos star his kitty Prince Michael, which combines fine feline acting, special effects, and laughs – Such as his classic “The Cat Who Caught the Laser“. Prince Michael took on a supporting role this time, where he could showcase his piano skills. And no, his piano skills aren’t special effects, they’re from plenty of practice. Aaron invented and is now selling The Pet Piano, with Michael performing live for the first time at CatCon last September.