Has real life dealt you one too many lemons and you just can’t make any more lemonade? Here is a ranked list of the best feel-good movies with your favorite adorable pets to sweeten the day. Whenever you feel down, just pick up one of these treats.
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Rich, saturated colors from the early 90s in an all-encompassing feel-good animated flick. We highly recommend this movie when you just need to add a little melody to your life.

Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey
From the early days of Michael J. Fox, Homeward Bound is the best movie to watch when you should get out of the house, but don’t want to get out of the house.

The movie didn’t win in terms of ratings, but it won in replays on every TV screen in the 90s for 9 sequels – so #1 has to be terrific. What do critics know anyways…

Surprisingly, this movie won because of its special effects. The story is pretty great too. By far the best movie to watch when you feel like you just don’t belong.

Ace Ventura Pet Detective
Everyone needs a few laughs and Ace Ventura has more than a few moments where you’ll be second guessing your life choices.