Eyes protruding, lower lips bulging, hair looking like a savagely used toothbrush… Who doesn’t love a Brussels Griffon? These Chewbacca wannabes are full of gusto and self importance. They take some of the funniest pics on the internet, so we compiled a top ten list of Brussels Griffon Instagram accounts to follow. Check out their smug little pouts below.
1. @digbyvanwinkle
13/10 for whoever named Digby and Aloysius Van Winkle. These Brussels Griffons are a couple of kiwis residing in Wellington, New Zealand. Their outfit game is on point, with fur-tight metallic t-shirts, more bow-ties than you can shake a stick at, sweater vests, hipster glasses, bowler hats – you name it, they’ve worn it. They’re more than just a couple of fashion-forward doggie socialites though, Digby once ran for Prime Minister. His campaign platform revolved around treats and freeing pups from “imprisonment” (shelters).

2. @donniebarko
The “Little Dog with a Big Attitude” Donnie Barko is one Griff who’s bad side you don’t wanna be on. He’s got a little bro named Arlo, short for Count Arlo The Brave, who might love bacon more than Donnie. Maybe. The brothers have a serious grudge against a certain creature named Brenda, love rolling in fox-poo and have created their own Bluegrass band. Hit singles from “Brussels with Attitude” include,’Fu*k da Park Warden’ ‘We hate you Brenda, call before you just come in uninvited, you inconsiderate shrew’ and ‘Straight Outta Somerset’.

3. @brussels.sprout
Sprout is a New York City native who likes to dogcation at The Hamptons. He’s one fancy sonofabitch; drinking rosé on rooftops and wearing polos on the regular. Sprout’s able to keep himself in the freshest of outfits by doing paid sponsored posts on Instagram. He’s also a natural on the agility course, spending days off training with his mom.

4. @danzigbros
The Danzig bros are two taco loving, Monday hating Yoda clones. They do sponsored posts every once in awhile, letting their 20k+ followers know which products to use. Bart and Blaine have been known to attend Cindo de Griffo in New York, which I’m told is the hottest event of the year. Falling on Cinco de Mayo, hundreds of Brussels Griffons meet up in NY, gracing the city with their pompous underbites.

5. @mynameischamaco
The CEO of Chama Corp, Chamaco is one busy little monkey. He never leaves the house without a fly af outfit on and often matches with his dad. Chama Corp creates hoodies, t-shirts and slings for your pup. Yes, slings. So now, instead of looking like an insane dog person with your pet in a stroller, you can simply sling them across your chest. Much more reasonable. They’re based in California, but luckily they ship all over the world.

6. @bingandwalter
Bing and Walter are two vino loving, pizza aficionados. They’re cool af, Spending yappy hour on Brooklyn patios. Walter’s a Schnauzer, but being Bing’s older brother we’ll give him honorary Brussels Griffon status for this post. Congratulations, Walter. You’re part of the most renowned club in the world of dogs. Bing’s a Petite Babaçon, the smooth-coated sect of the Brussels Griffons. He’s more extroverted than his bro, Walter, and isn’t shy when it comes to Tongue Out Tuesday.

7. @thebonesquad
Why follow one when you can follow five? Oliver, Elliott, Bentley, Indie and Nala make up The Bone Squad. This household has a ton of tiny Yoda impersonators who greet you at the door. Food is life for these five pups, they’re big fans of tacos and anything that falls on the floor.

8. @mister_griff
If you want to see a dog in a suit attempting to sell used cars, look no further. Brus Griffon’s parents appear to dress him in the dark; he looks like an unimpressed middle-aged, colour blind man. Brus’s terrible suit photo was featured on a Reddit photoshop battle and the results are outrageous. 15/10 would definitely follow.

9. @gogogriffon
Gogo the Griff is a bacon connoisseur. He does celebrity impersonations and has an outfit for every holiday. Gogo describes himself as a “catfish monkey dog” and we couldn’t agree more. He’s the cutest thing to hit Instagram, he’s got over 12k followers and is growing strong. Give him a follow for regular “who wore it better” posts.

10. @bridgettethebrusselsgr
Bridgette is a 16 year old rescue who was saved from a puppy mill. Her human adopted her when she was 8 years old; abused and terrified, it took two full years of love for Bridgette to stop hiding underneath the bed. The two of them now advocate for senior dog adoption. She has a giant hipster beard, hair like Beaker from the Muppets and enjoys wearing tiny wool sweaters. Bridgette lives in New York City with her ma.

So, for those of you who love a ridiculous looking dog (who doesn’t?) give these accounts a follow. You won’t regret having their ET looking mugs pop up on your newsfeed!