Meet Rae, the one-eared golden retriever known as the Internet’s “unicorn” dog. With over 200,000 Instagram followers, the adorable mythical dog has taken over social media with her bubbly personality!
Unicorn Rae and her Floppy Ear!
Rae was injured the day she was born that left her with only her right ear. She was rushed to Family Friends Veterinary Hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan after her mom accidentally nipped her ear during birth. That’s where Rae’s human, Brianna Vorhees, discovered her while working as a receptionist. Rae’s ear eventually migrated to the top of her head – giving her an extra special look that may become a trend for other pets interested in becoming influencers.
Everyone wonders how that one ear works since it’s so far away from where the canal was, but we don’t know how to answer these questions, we just know that it works
Brianna Vorhees
Rae has the most hilarious personality. She owns any room that she walks into and has never been shy, and has always been the puppy to walk into a large group of dogs
Brianna Vorhees

Rae continues to bring joy to people all around the world. So if you’re looking for a little pick-me-up, follow @GoldenUnicornRae on Instagram and get your daily dose of cuteness from the one-and-only “Unicorn Pup”.