In recent years, cats have become household names and internet sensations. From Grumpy Cat to Lil Bub, these famous felines have garnered millions of followers and even starred in their own movies. These cats have truly taken the world by storm with their charming personalities and adorable looks. With their rise in popularity, it’s clear that cats are truly the new “it” pets.


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Mistaken cat-dentity: guy accidentally kidnaps neighbours cat, keeps hostage for 5 days

In a classic case of mistaken identity, a New Zealand man accidentally kidnapped his neighbour’s cat. Luckily for us, his mate Clarke Grayford was tweeting the entire incident. a mate spent $130 at vet on his cat then had to lock it in his bedroom for 5 days recovery, and JUST NOW HIS ACTUAL CAT WALKED IN 😂— Clarke Gayford (@NZClarke) October 10, 2017 The cat had been acting strangely (due to being a hostage) and so had a trip to the vet’s office where he was prescribed anti-anxiety medication and bed rest for 5 days, leading our kidnapper to lock the kitty in his bedroom.

Thanksgiving Fashion Week: Animal Style

Thanksgiving, known to most as our national holiday of giving thanks for what we have and fighting with our relatives around the kitchen table (whatever you do, don’t bring up Trump with Uncle Frank). For some, it’s also a great opportunity to embarrass their beloved furbabies. Check out the best of Thanksgiving’s haute couture below.

You’ve heard of police dogs, but what about police cats? Meet Snickers The Police Cat

New Zealand does things a little differently, from Flight of the Concords to their odd national bird, the Kiwi the entire island is delightfully odd. It’s no surprise that they have also started employing police cats on the force. Tia and Snickers are two NZ police felines @snickersthepolicecat.

Firefighters rescue 5 cats from burning building

Usually, firefighters spend their animal rescuing efforts retrieving cats from trees, but that wasn’t the case after a fire broke out in Taylor, Pennsylvania. Image: WNEP Earlier in the week, the Veterinary Emergency and Referral Center donated oxygen masks for “Canines and Kitties” to area emergency responders in Lackawanna County. The masks have a special seal for an animal’s snout, allowing them to treat smoke inhalation.

Interactive art has gone to the dogs (and cats!) at this live pet-only exhibition

Human’s have had a monopoly on the art world for too long, and one Singapore petfood company is taking a stand. Launched by Silversky and funded by Wellness Pet Food, PAW:sitive is an interactive art exhibition for pets, exclusively. The art exhibition will have 10 different interactive art and play areas, all created by local artists.

World’s tallest cat and cat with world’s longest tail also happen to be roommates

Two spectacular feline roommates have recently set two separate Guinness World Records. Cygnus Regulus, a silver Maine Coon has the new record for “Longest Tail on a domestic cat (living)”. His tail measures in at 17.58 inches (44.66cm).

The Instagram Adventures of Suki the Bengal Cat

Ever wish you could quit your job and become a travelling Instagram model? Well, @Sukiicat the Bengal already beat you to it. Since opening her Instagram account at the end of March, she’s already stacked up 228,000 followers in five months, getting up to 50,000 likes per post.

Meet Wesley the Dread Pirate Roberts, the swashbucklin’ sea cat

Wesley is a one-eyed swashbucklin’ sea cat, his name an homage to Westley the Dread Pirate Roberts from the classic film, The Princess Bride. Like his namesake, he’s always down for adventurous exploits (especially if it ends in treats). Credit: @wesley_the_pirate_cat IG The scallywag kittycat was adopted from a local shelter by Rheanne Taylor in March 2015.

When cats fly: Furry stowaway takes an unexpected flight

A four-legged resident of French Guiana took a nap inside the wing of what it thought must be the skeleton of a giant tropical bird. Little did this cat know its hammock-of-the-day was a microlight aircraft, something it wouldn’t learn until it was already several hundred feet in the air. Lucky for the cat, it was hanging on tight inside the wing and was noticed by the pilot.

Meet Matilda, the rescued Alien Cat with celestial eyes

Matilda’s no ordinary tabby cat. Rescued as a kitten with a clean bill of health, her family quickly discovered that she was unlike other cats in a big way… Matilda’s eyes contained tiny galaxies. While the stars in her eyes were initially harmless, things began to change for the little cat.