When you think of a Doberman Pinscher, you think of a guard dog that’s all business. You probably imagine a pair of them, dressed formally in black and brown with pointy ears and no friendly tail to wag, guarding some celebrity’s mansion.

Or you might think of Snoop Dogg morphing into one from his iconic 1993 music video “Who Am I (What’s My Name)”.
Considering their serious look is their signature, it’s easy for many to forget they’ve had their ears cropped and tails docked. And, like all pups, they start off as cute floppy friends.
@sukianddante What do you guys think?! #dobiegang #uncroppeddoberman #croppeddoberman #dobermancropping #dobermans_of_tiktok #dobie #doberman #uncroppedears #croppedears #uncroppedears #dogsoftiktok #tiktokdogs ♬ Love Story – Indila
The ears and tail are traditionally cropped and docked for Dobermans to be working guard dogs. Their thin tails are docked to avoid injury to them while working, and the ears are cropped just to make them look badass.
@sukianddante All natural #dobie #dobiegang #doberman #uncroppeddoberman #dobermanpuppy #dogtoktik #dogsoftiktok ♬ The Hills x The Color Violet x Creepin – darkvidez
But many agree that it’s unnecessary and cruel to do so these days. And Dante is living proof that Dobermans and all dogs are beautiful the way they’re born!
@sukianddante Ummm may I help you? #doberman #akitainu #puppy #dogtok #dobermanpuppy ♬ boy, what are you looking at – jabbar hakeem
And Dante’s partner-in-crime is a beautiful Akita Inu named Suki.
@sukianddante Yes, akita inus are the best #akitainu #japaneseakita #soyouthinkyouwant #doglove #dogtok #bestdog #cutedog #viraldog ♬ Can Can (Hardstyle Mix) – Da Tweekaz & High LEvel
You can follow them both at @sukianddante on TikTok and Instagram.
For the adventures of another pair of pups, check out: Maltese brothers Dior and Obi-Wan are peak “summering in Europe” goals.