Leaders of the Prairie Dog Pack, Bing and Swarley are two Texan prairie dogs living the good life with their mixed-species family @prairiedogpack. The dogs’ mom, Cassidy, adopted Bing and Swarley from a local pet shop in Houston, Texas, adding them to her growing brood of animals.

The Prairie Dog Pack currently consists of Bing and Swarley, a hedgehog named Monty, and the troops newest edition – Enzo, an adorable, floppy puppy. The PDP also occasionally sponsors farm animals, recently they’ve taken care of a goat named Lil Sebastian and two ducks, Halpert and Hugh Duckman.

The PDP has almost 100k followers on Instagram and millions of views on Vine and YouTube. The social media success is impressive not only because of the sheer numbers, but also since Cassidy Bryce started it in her teens. She got Swarley when she was only 14, starting the social media accounts a few years later. When Swarley starred in “Prairie Dog Flawless” and the video went viral, Bryce sat back and watched her followers amass. Pretty impressive for someone still balancing homework and college applications.
The prairie dogs came to be a part of the family when Cassidy’s mother wouldn’t let her get another dog. The teen negotiated her way to Swarley, and eventually Bing as well; she describes the rodents as being more dog-like than anything, anyways. Cassidy states that she wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up and while she loves dressing up and photographing her pets, her main focus is on schoolwork.

Cassidy occasionally finds doll clothes which fit Bing and Swarley, here they are on their way to prairie dog prom. Hope it’s better than Carrie White’s in 1976!

They love photoshoots at the beach where everyone pretends to be on a Hawaiian vacation instead of Texas. Afterwards, Bing and Swarley like to bury themselves in the sand. Classic prairie dogs.

They’ll occasionally do a sponsored post for different products. The pack also sells stickers on their website, the proceeds go towards new, cute outfits for Bing and Swarley.