Maymo, “master of disguise and purveyor of skullduggery” is the star of the world’s most entertaining Instagram account. He has a sister named Penny; when they aren’t busy dressing up at home, the two go on some wonderful adventures. Burgers, shopping carts, a plethora of tennis balls… a dog can dream. Check out their viral video below.
He’s wise beyond his years (which are multiplied by seven), giving out advice on costume apparel and cat attitudes. Maymo is a Lemon Beagle, characterized by his light colouring. Typically an intelligent breed, it’s no surprise that Maymo can navigate his way to the burger joint.

His YouTube channel is lit; it has hundreds of amazing videos featuring Maymo and Penny doing funny shit. Their parents film pranks they pull on the dogs, think: jokes involving alien and dinosaur costumes, a ton of furbies, and toy robotic snakes. They also spend a lot of time balancing vegetables on Maymo’s head.
Their wardrobe looks like a Halloween store during the summer, tons of outrageous outfits grace their IG feed. There’s no limit to what either of them could show up in next. The pups regularly go undercover as other species to send their message to the masses.

The pair of pups have about a million Huff Post articles written on them and over 100k followers on Instagram. Their fame is used as a platform for positive messages to their followers, re: stay strong like the lion when it comes to tacos.