Who’s got Snoop Dogg as a personal fan, exclusively sleeps in sinks and has more followers than you? Manny the French Bulldog, of course. This smiley babe started life as the unwanted runt of a litter, he’s now raised over $150,000 for charity. He’s a handsome, bacon-loving philanthropist born and raised in Chicago.

Manny teamed up with American Apparel in 2013 to make a line of T-shirts with his face on them. The proceeds from the T-shirt line went to the ASPCA and the French Bulldog Rescue Network. His A-list customers include Snoop Dogg and middle-weight boxing champ Miguel Cotto. You can still buy the shirts for $25 bucks a pop in Manny’s online store.

Fun fact, Miguel Cotto’s baby girl, Luna the Frenchie, is one of Manny’s “Buddies of the Week”. He features a different pooch each week on his Instagram feed.

The Manny-inspired shirts were created after photos of the cute pooch snoozing in the bathroom sink went viral. He became instafamous in less than a year, allowing his mom Amber Chavez to quit her job and manage Manny’s social media full time. She’s said the biggest challenge came from trying to explain in Spanish to her elderly parents that what she was doing wasn’t that crazy.

Being an internet famous dog isn’t without it’s perks. After the photo of Manny ridin’ dirty in a mini Audi R8 Spyder went viral on Instagram, he got a shout-out from the billion dollar company on Twitter. Manny also does meet and greets, modeling for companies like Groupon and sponsored IG posts.
@FrenchieManny Now this is a gentleman who knows luxury when he sees it. Roll on, Manny.
— Audi USA (@Audi) May 15, 2013
Manny was named after the boxer Manny Pacquiao because his parents are big fans. According to mom and dad, the two Manny’s have a similar physique.

He’s got a little brother named Frank and a camera shy older sister. Like any good siblings, Frank and Manny share wardrobes and love to nap together. Frank has his own IG account with over 400k followers.

If you like smiling dogs in costumes (who doesn’t) then give Manny a follow. Having his big, slobbery mug staring back at you from your IG feed as you procrastinate from doing whatever you should be doing will make your day.

Want more frenchies in your life? Check out Manny and more in our Top 10 Most Popular French Bulldogs on Instagram.