If you ever feel like you’re too old to start a new career or help those in need, let Duke Ellington Morris the therapy cat inspire you!

Named after a famous jazz musician, Duke’s story starts 14 years ago when he was a starving kitty in a feral cat colony in San Fransico. He was adopted at one year old, and his human Jen Morris could tell right away he was a caring soul. This led to Duke becoming a certified animal therapist. This led to years of dedicated service touring hospitals and visiting ICUs to cheer up humans going through tough times. He was even featured on the news 6 years ago.
Now, at 14 years young, Duke joins the San Francisco International Airport’s “Wag Brigade” team of therapy animals. At first, it was just canine members, but they’ve since recruited a pig and Alex the rabbit (seen below). The Wag Brigade tours the airport to brighten people’s day and reduce the stress many feel when at the airport waiting to fly.
If you want to follow Duke and his new crew, visit @sfowagbrigade on Instagram.
For another career-orientated kitty, check out Sir Indiana Bones – From Shelter Cat to Museum Manager.