Chris Pine’s Rescued Pitbulls Inspired His New Children’s Book

Chris Pine is a proud dog dad to two rescued pitbulls: Wednesday, a Pitbull/Great Dane mix he adopted in October 2016, and Babs, a Pittie he adopted in February 2022. While Pine has no human kids of his own, his two fur babies inspired him to write a children’s book, titled When Digz the Dog Met Zurl the Squirrel.

Chris Pine’s Rescued Pitbulls Inspired His New Children’s Book
Credit: Wags & Walks/Chris Pine

In an interview with Parade, Pine shared how he became inspired to write this book, “This all started at the beginning of quarantine when we were all cooped up and I wasn’t doing much of anything except for hanging out at the house with my dogs and taking them on walks. I was on a walk with my good friend way out deep out in Altadena [California]. My dog ran after a squirrel, and she said, ‘Wouldn’t that be a great idea for a story about a dog that falls in love with a squirrel?’ That was the very basic beginning of that journey. I went home and immediately started writing. And then I couldn’t stop and ended up writing, I don’t know, probably seven or eight stories.”

You can see the dog on the book cover is inspired by Pine’s IRL rescue Wednesday. Two years later, he adopted his 2nd pitbull, Babs (formerly Chowder) from Wags and Walks. Pine’s writing style is inspired by Dr. Suess and he said this about the book’s message, “The idea that came out of the story was: What if the frustration and the anger that these two animals seem to have toward one another comes from a place of their own vulnerability and their own sense of being deficient? And once they understand each other, they can move on and be great friends. Why is a bully a bully? Probably because something happened to the bully, and maybe if you understood what happened to the bully, you can repair relationships and move on with love.”

On top of his two rescues, Pine puts in time to advocate and fundraise for dog shelters, such as Wags & Walk. Jennifer Aniston also just published a book inspired by her rescue dog, Clyde, who just made his TV debut to promote it.

Jennifer Aniston's rescue dog, Clyde, makes his late night debut to promote new book and pet charity
Credit: Jennifer Aniston
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