Prepare to paw-se for a moment and take a “hiss-torical” journey with our Pets in History section. Forget Cleopatra and Napoleon; we’re digging up the real power players, like the royal dogs that actually ran the palace or the cats that may have out-schemed Machiavelli. From ancient Egyptian felines worshipped as gods to World War II hero pups, we’re shining a light (or should we say, a laser pointer?) on the unsung fur-heroes who’ve shaped the world as we know it. Dive into “tails” of political intrigue, romance, and yes, the occasional dumpster dive, all featuring the four-legged companions who were the real MVPs—Most Valuable Pets. It’s the history lesson you wish you had in school, minus the snooze factor. Get ready for a wag-nificent time-travel experience!

Pets in History

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The Story of Fidel, the Celebrity Dog of Bruges, Belgium

Fidel was the most famous dog in Belgium. No, he wasn't known for doing tricks or anything, he was loved for his laissez-faire vibes.

Statue Unveiled for Freya the Celebrity Walrus Who Was Euthanized

Freya the Walrus became famous in 2022 for her playful spirit. Unfortunately, her playing involved destroying boats...

The Story of Thomas the Blind Bisexual Goose Who Became an Inspirational Parent and LGBTQ+ Icon

Thomas was a blind bisexual goose in New Zealand that lived an impressive 40 years before he passed away in 2018. But his legacy as a gay partner and loving parent will continue to inspire for years to come. Thomas: The 90s kid Thomas’ love story of epic proportions starts back in his youth.

Pearl the iPhone-Sized Chihuahua is the World’s Shortest Dog

In April 2023, Guinness World Record awarded the (tiny) crown of World’s Shortest Living Dog to Pearl, a two-year-old female Chihuahua. She measures 3.59 inches (9.14 cm) tall and 5 inches (12.7 cm) long and weighs 1.22 pounds (553 g). Credit: Guinness World Records When compared to an iPhone 14, she’s a bit taller than an iPhone is wide and not quite as long.

Friar Moustache the Doggy Monk Will Convince You to Join a Monastery

From a dog of the streets to a dog of God, Friar Moustache's cuteness will give you the faith to drop everything to become a monk.

The Story of Chaser “The World’s Smartest Dog”

Chaser was a Border Collie that could recall over 1,000 words, giving her the largest tested memory of any animal. And she could also do basic math!

The Story of “Air Bud” and Buddy the Basketball-Playing Golden Retriever

Did you know Buddy, who starred in the 1997 film "Air Bud", had a professional career in basketball prior to becoming a Hollywood actor?

Pigs can’t Fly? Meet the Swine who Shattered the Stereotype Over 100 Years Ago

Despite all the haters trying to hold him down, this little piggy took to the skies and became a hero among hogs.

Dog a Fake Hero: Story of a Dog That Pushed Kids into a River to Get Steaks

The dog became a hero. Then lived long enough to see himself become the villain.

A Look Back at Dolly the Sheep: The World’s First Cloned Animal

On July 5, 1996, Dolly the sheep made history as she became the world’s first mammal to be cloned from an adult somatic cell! Her birth at Scotland’s Roslin Institute sparked worldwide attention and forever changed our perceptions of what cloning technology could do. Not only did her incredible story open up possibilities for pet owners everywhere but it also raised ethical questions about how this type of technology could be used in animals’ lives.