There’s a new celebrity in town, and this one has four legs and fur (or not). Pets have been steadily gaining in popularity over the past few years, to the point where they are now bona fide celebrities. Just take a look at some of these furry or feathered stars and you’ll see what we mean.

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Fanny The Bernese Mountain Dog Is Literally Turning White and She Looks Amazing

Fanny is a Bernese Mountain Dog that once looked like every other Berny out there. She had the traditional black coat with a fluffy white chest and bright white socks. But to the owners surprise, the coat started changing.

Phil E. Chinchilla The Cutest Big Eared Floof That has the Internet Captive

Some things in life don’t need a narrative and we should just enjoy them because they are around. In comes Phil E. Chinchilla, the coolest floof with the tiniest feet.

Lady Gaga’s dognapper arrested 5 months after being released by mistake

In February 2021, Koji and Gustav, two of Lady Gaga’s three French bulldogs, were kidnapped at gunpoint, with one of the suspects shooting her dog walker in the lung. Her Frenchie Miss Asia was left and comforted the dog walker until help arrived. Thankfully, the dogs were returned and the brave dog walker recovered (which you can read about on our profile of Lady Gaga).

Samson The Cat (Catstradamus), a Maine Coon, Biggest Cat from the Big Apple

The largest kitty in the city, Samson The Cat aka Catstradamus, reaches 4ft long and weighs 28lbs. Meet Samson. He’s not fat by any means.

Snow monkey gang terrorizes Japanese city

When you think of Japanese macaques, aka snow monkeys, you probably see cute chillin’ monkeys living a life of leisure, playing in the snow and soaking in hot springs. But you may also wonder, how do they afford this lavish lifestyle? Well, according to reports, one monkey gang has been on a month-long crime spree.

Kevin Hart gifted Chris Rock a pet goat on stage, named it “Will Smith”

Comedy legends Chris Rock and Kevin Hart recently joined forces for a series of five standup shows named Rock Hart: Only Headlines Allowed in New York. When one of the shows ended, Hart brought a goat on stage to gift to the comedy G.O.A.T. Chris Rock.

Hugo The Malamute on learning to hive five, what can go wrong?

Malamutes. They’re big sled dogs known for their strength, endurance, and fun loving nature. Known to reach an average size of around 90 to 130 lbs, these big furry beasts are no joke.

Behold! The Royal Swedish Lion of Gripsholm Castle!

This is the Royal Lion of Gripsholm Castle, found in Sweden. He was one of the first lions to end up in Scandinavia when he was gifted to King Frederick of Sweden in 1731. He lived at the Royal Game Park in Stockholm, along with other large wild cats and exotic animals.

Heroic emu helps stop alleged drunk driver after hit-and-run

In London on July 28, a hotel chef named Dean Wade heard tires screeching and a huge crash. He went outside and saw a pickup truck had crashed right into the front of a store. RPU, @ChippenhamCPT and @NPAShq dealing with this minor injury (but extensive damage) RTC in Malmesbury.

The Story of Greyfriars Bobby, the dog that stayed by his owner’s grave for 14 years

Image via Wikimedia / Public Domain Born in 1855, Bobby, better known as Greyfriars Bobby, was a very very good boy and a Skye terrier (With recent news suggesting he was actually a Dandie Dinmont terrier). His story starts with a gardener named John gray and his family moving to the city of Edinburgh in Scotland. Gray couldn’t find work as a gardener and ended up working as a night watchman.