There’s a new celebrity in town, and this one has four legs and fur (or not). Pets have been steadily gaining in popularity over the past few years, to the point where they are now bona fide celebrities. Just take a look at some of these furry or feathered stars and you’ll see what we mean.

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Biff the Samoyed is Half Cloud, Half Dog, Royal Squatter, and This is Fine

Biff The Samoyed is all set for the winter holidays! Self dubbed half cloud, half dog, his fluffy white coat is sure to keep him cozy while he creates content in the snow for all his caring fans. It all started with a little morning relief.

MetaPink: Paris Hilton finally launches a dog accessories collection with Moshiqa

Iconic fashion influencer and fur mom Paris Hilton has collaborated with Moshiqa to finally released her own collection of luxury dog accessories.

Dog Waits Patiently Outside Hospital for Owner (Video)

Last month, staff at the Santo Antônio de Jesus Regional Hospital in Brazil discovered a stray dog waiting outside the hospital. The dog lingered alone as if he was waiting for something. He didn’t interact with other dogs, people, and would run off as people got near.

Tesla the Mini Aussie: The Only Workout Partner You’ll Ever Need

The holidays are a time for indulgence, and we have a solution for all those extra calories. Meet Tesla The Mini Aussie! She’ll become the only workout partner you’ll ever need.

England football team loses World Cup, takes home stray cat instead

While England may have lost in the quarter-finals, they gained a new mascot!

Gracie the dog and her human Taylor Lumpkin randomly lead a SWAT team armed raid

Gracie the pitbull and her human Taylor Lumpkin helped someone get into their building... but ended up leading the way for an armed SWAT team.

Interview with @2blondefrenchies: Penelope the Princess and her adopted sister Champagne

We sat down with Penelope and Champagne of @2blondefrenchies for an interview about getting adopted, becoming sisters, and life in Vancouver.

Sapphie The Pomsky has all the buttons and she knows when to push them!

Sapphie The Pomsky is a dog that doesn’t hold back how she feels. And if you don’t give her what she wants, well, she knows how to push some buttons. She’s feisty and sassy, and she has won the hearts of over 3 million followers across social media.

The Wheelchair Mafia: Disabled shelter dogs turned biker gang (Video)

"The Man That Rescues Dogs" is a wonderful dog shelter in Thailand that doesn't count out its guests that have fewer than four legs.

Forget cats and dogs, Air Canada has planes just for horses

And Air Canada essentially has a first-class lounge for horses at their Toronto hub.