There’s a new celebrity in town, and this one has four legs and fur (or not). Pets have been steadily gaining in popularity over the past few years, to the point where they are now bona fide celebrities. Just take a look at some of these furry or feathered stars and you’ll see what we mean.
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Top 10 Instafamous Dogs to Follow That Pull at Your Heart Strings
@Tunameltsmyheart The underdog with the overbite… View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tuna {breed:chiweenie} (@tunameltsmyheart) The underdog with the overbite, Tuna the Chiweenie has a recessed jaw, a floppy neck and over a million followers on Instagram. The dog has a travel blog, Traveling Tuna, and his own merchandise line.
Cat Wine is a Thing Now and Your Cat Demands It
Did your kitty have a long day at the office and can’t wait for happy hour? Try Cat Wine! Is your feline looking to Netflix and chill?
Keeping Up With The Kattarshians: The kitten version of the Kardashians we always wanted
So you need a break from Kim Kardashian and her krew? Or maybe just the whole world in general? Well, there’s a new reality show from Iceland that can distract you with cuteness 24/7, thanks to their three live Youtube feeds.
How a Feral Silicon Valley Cat Became Hamilton the Hipster Cat
Hamilton the Hipster Cat @hamilton_the_hipster_cat was once a feral in Silicon Valley. He made an instant connection with his techie dad who adopted him on the spot. For Ham, it’s a classic rags to riches story.
Princess Monster Truck – From the Streets of New York to a Posh Brooklyn Apartment
Princess Monster Truck was discovered on the mean streets of New York by a pair of artists, she now lives the trendy life in her Brooklyn apartment. Monster’s got a fanged underbite that gets it’s own satellite signal and a serious pair of hypnotizing green eyes. View this post on Instagram A post shared by PrincessMonsterTruck © (@princessmonstertruck) The cat, dirty and matted, tumbled out of some bushes late one gloomy night, stared at her future parents and howled through her pearly whites.
Hero Accountant Runs a Pet and Dog Retirement Home for “Unadoptables”
Steve Greigs, an accountant in Colorado, has made it his life’s mission to adopt the unadoptable. Greigs has ten senior dogs, a potbelly pig named Bikini, a couple of cats, two ducks, a rabbit and a chicken named Oprah. Oh, and Jim the Pigeon.
Pudge’s Mom Leaves Her Job to Manage The Socialite Cat’s with 600,000 Followers
Pudge The Cat, or Queen P to her dedicated fans, is a proudly mustachioed little lady who boasts over 600k followers on Instagram. She’s got the popularity of a socialite with the attitude of a laid-back dog, spending most of her days off lounging around Kady Lone’s apartment. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Pudge (@pudgethecat) The flat-faced Exotic Shorthair isn’t too concerned about making tons of cash.
Bryan Cranston is a Liar (but only to get rescue dogs adopted)
Following up the previous ”Rescue Dog Rescue” with Aubrey Plaza that got all the puppies featured their own forever home, Steven Colbert had another one. This time it features Bryan Cranston, who has been promoting his role in the new Power Rangers movie. but made time to tell a bunch of hilariously blatant lies to get these puppies adopted.
This Giant Chicken Escaped from Jurassic Park
So Twitter is losing its mind this morning over a chicken. But not just any chicken, the Godzilla of chickens. It’s a chicken you’re more likely to see at Jurassic Park than at a farm.
Sneezy the Penn State Squirrel has More Shool Spirit Than You’ll Ever Have
Did you know Penn State University has an unofficial mascot with 10 times the followers of their official mascot the Nittany Lion? Named Sneezy, she isn’t just one of the many grey squirrels or students found in the area, she’s become a symbol of school pride and unity. Several years ago, a new Penn state student named Mary Krupa befriended Sneezy and thought it would be cute to make her a little hat.