Only fur, and sometimes scales. It’s no secret that pets are becoming increasingly popular. In recent years, they have gained millions of followers, appeared in movies and fashion events, and even written best-selling books. It’s not hard to see why. They always look their best, they’re never late for appointments, and they always know just what to say to make us feel better.

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Diddy Kong & Yeti Kong Navigating Runway Modeling and Bath Times

Pets really do have the best lives. A couple monkeys out of Miami are showing everyone that they have more fun than just about everyone else by sharing their antics from appearing at fashion events to bath time. Their pair of marmosets named Diddy and Yeti Kong have taken social media by storm amassing over 1M followers across their channels.

Fenix Lumiere Shows Us “If You Can’t Walk, Dance”

Meet Fenix Lumiere! He is a happy, dancing, prancing dog that just can’t get enough of life. His videos share positive vibes to over 2M followers every day.

Luna The Pantera Abandoned and Raised With Venza the Rottweiler

The story of Luna The Pantera begins in a Siberian zoo. For unknown reasons, the cub’s mom rejected Luna and refused to give her the milk and care that she needed. The future wasn’t looking good for Luna.

Felix the Samoyed Visited Over 34 Countries and Counting

Felix the Samoyed is one lucky pooch. With his favorite human, he has been able to visit over 34 countries including Greece, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, German, Belgium, Netherlands, to name a few. Documenting his adventures for his 1M collective followers on Instagram and TikTok, Felix proves that travelling doesn’t mean you have to leave your pooch at home.

Josh the Doodle – Raising Awareness for Special Needs Dogs

Meet Josh the Doodle. He is a rescued Goldendoodle with severe cerebellar hypoplasia and it’s not holding him back from making the world a better place. The Arizona four legged activist has been raising awareness for special needs dogs with his 300,000 followers and the Be Like Josh Foundation.

Little Chihuahua Miami Traveller Dog has been Jet Setting For 10 years

It has been 10 years of travel for Miami the Travelling Dog and some time since we first discovered her. This little Italian chihuahua has been to Miami (Duh?), Tuscany, New York, Florence, Milan, Venice Beach, Los Angeles, Dallas, San Francisco, and even more places than we can list here. By the time he was 5, he had visited over 15 states and 6 European countries.

Suki, a Bengal, and Killua, a Husky rescue, Travel the World Together

Suki the Bengal that was adopted by Martina Gutfreund in 2017 and they started travelling the world together on one adventure into the next. Based in Alberta, Canada, their adventures drew the attention of the world and they attracted over 1.8 million within a short time. Not long after, Killua joined the family.

Chowder The Bear Dog is the “Stuffed” Animal We All Need

Meet Chowder the Bear Dog. While he looks more like a plush teddy bear, we can assure you he is 100% Chow Chow. At the young age of 8, Chowder is from Manila in the Philippines and he’s living his best life for his million followers across social media. “

@backpackingkitty, Bombay Cat Hikes, Kayaks, Sails, Skis, and More With His Human

Some cats have all the fun, and that’s definitely the case for Simon, @backpackingkitty on Instagram. With over half a million followers and loving human, this cat has it all, and then some. Simon, who has become known as the outdoor adventure kitty, loves hiking, rock climbing, kayaking, biking, sailing, skiing, snowboarding, sledding, and even swimming.

A Tortoise and a Dog? Friendships Cross All Boundaries for Tilly G and Skippy

Tilly G and Skippy were both adopted into the pet family at a big pet rescue and they have been best friends from the very beginning. Skippy spends all day bringing sticks for his friend. While the tortoise is less than impressed, the thought is not lost on Tilly G. “Tilly G and Skippy bonded the moment they met.