Who doesn’t love baby goats frolicking in colorful onesies? There can never be too many internet videos of tiny farm animals, or cute baby animals in general. We are obsessed with this video of newborn Nigerian Dwarf Goats who were born at Sunflower Farm Creamery in Cumberland, Maine and are romping around outside in pyjamas. Goats in pyjamas, people!

The obvious thing for the farmers to do following kidding season is to have a PJ party! Check it out below.
Like most kids, the goats play together all day. The video shows them headbutting one another off of hay bales and teasing a cat. Play fighting and tumbling around the barn, we’re convinced that we need more baby goats in our lives.

Good news if you’re like us and can’t get enough of the tiny hooved babes, the Sunflower Farm Creamery offers Yoga classes where you can cuddle the animals post workout. They have workshops during the winter months; you can make a felted goat or learn about small scale farming. Visitors are welcome to the farm during business hours to peruse the herd and try some cheese. Sunflower produces daily small batch chevre from their herd of goats; made locally and sustainably, you can feel righteous about your dairy purchase.

The goats are also up for sale, you do have to buy them in pairs however, so they won’t get lonely. The only thing better than one baby goat is two baby goats! If you’re not in the goat business and can’t make the trip to Maine, you can check out the live cams set up at the farm on their website, sunflowerfarm.info.