Simon Gerard is the head writer and treats dealer at Celebrity Pets, where he's been researching and writing about the pampered pets of celebrities, pet influencers, and other pet-related topics since 2016. He also loves deep dives into notable pets throughout history, praising hard-working professional pets, and regaling in heart-warming rescue stories. Instead of interviewing pet parents and managers, Simon is most passionate about interviewing famous fur babies and pet influencers directly, giving them a much-deserved platform for their voice and letting fans get to know the real pet behind their celebrity persona. And what inspires him to write? That would be his muse and fur son Higgins, an incredibly charming and well-dressed Corgipoo.


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Friar Moustache the Doggy Monk Will Convince You to Join a Monastery

From a dog of the streets to a dog of God, Friar Moustache's cuteness will give you the faith to drop everything to become a monk.

Pignic – Enjoy a Stroll and Picnic with Cute Kune Kune Pigs

Who better to enjoy a picnic with than a few snack experts like these cute furry Kune Kune pigs?

Lady Pinto Bean – The Reign of the Dungeon & Dragons Doggo

Lady Pinto Bean is a dog who can wield a sword like a true warrior!

The Story of Chaser “The World’s Smartest Dog”

Chaser was a Border Collie that could recall over 1,000 words, giving her the largest tested memory of any animal. And she could also do basic math!

Dogs of John Wick: The Definitive Guide to the Dogs of the Films and Cast

In this guide, we look at the canine costars from the John Wick films, along with the real-life dogs of each cast member!

The Story of “Air Bud” and Buddy the Basketball-Playing Golden Retriever

Did you know Buddy, who starred in the 1997 film "Air Bud", had a professional career in basketball prior to becoming a Hollywood actor?

Mia Macchiato the Side Hustle Cat – Model, DJ, Bartender, and Taquera

Mia Macchiato is one ambitious ginger cat who works as a model, DJ, bartender, and even runs her own taco truck!

Pigs can’t Fly? Meet the Swine who Shattered the Stereotype Over 100 Years Ago

Despite all the haters trying to hold him down, this little piggy took to the skies and became a hero among hogs.

Dog a Fake Hero: Story of a Dog That Pushed Kids into a River to Get Steaks

The dog became a hero. Then lived long enough to see himself become the villain.

Dog Detective Harley, F.A.D.D., is Sniffing Out Peanuts and Educating on Allergies

This doggy detective keeps his human safe from their deadly peanut allergy while educating and encouraging empathy for people with food allergies.