Many will know of the famous Tucker Budzyn. He is a Michigan based Golden Retriever with 20 million collective subscribers across YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Twitter. His hilarious and wholesome antics from taste testing foods to raising a family have left a trail Tucker obsessed fans from around the world.
Tucker was born in May of 2018. Shortly after, Courtney and her husband Mike adopted Tucker, and his journey to stardom began. However, Tucker isn’t just a popular celebrity. He’s been a busy dog. In his few years, he has raised a family, started a lucrative business with his parents, built an app, and earned himself an IMDB profile by streaming his own show.

Tucker’s partner is Journee. The pair of Goldens had a son, Todd, and two girls. The entire journey is well documents on their TikTok and Instagram channels. Our favorite video showed up when Tucker picked his sons name.
When he’s not looking after his family, Tucker has a busy lifestyle appearing for events and sponsorship events. Just recently, Tucker won the 2021 American Pet Influencer Award.
For more of Tucker and his family, make sure to follow his corner of the Internet.