Dogs are taking over the world! Okay, maybe not the whole world, but they are definitely making a name for themselves in the entertainment industry. You’ve probably seen pictures of famous dogs on social media with millions of followers, and now some of them are getting movie deals and even book deals. It seems like anything a dog does is adorable and worth following, and we can’t get enough of their antics.
Luna is a Bernese Mountain Dog Norway With Over 70k Followers
Luna is a Bernese Mountain Dog from Norway. She’s gained over 70k followers on Instagram in the short time she’s been online. The Berner and her “hooman” Anette, consistently post cute pics of them on adventures.
Top 10 Instafamous Dogs to Follow That Pull at Your Heart Strings
@Tunameltsmyheart The underdog with the overbite… View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tuna {breed:chiweenie} (@tunameltsmyheart) The underdog with the overbite, Tuna the Chiweenie has a recessed jaw, a floppy neck and over a million followers on Instagram. The dog has a travel blog, Traveling Tuna, and his own merchandise line.
Hero Accountant Runs a Pet and Dog Retirement Home for “Unadoptables”
Steve Greigs, an accountant in Colorado, has made it his life’s mission to adopt the unadoptable. Greigs has ten senior dogs, a potbelly pig named Bikini, a couple of cats, two ducks, a rabbit and a chicken named Oprah. Oh, and Jim the Pigeon.
Bryan Cranston is a Liar (but only to get rescue dogs adopted)
Following up the previous ”Rescue Dog Rescue” with Aubrey Plaza that got all the puppies featured their own forever home, Steven Colbert had another one. This time it features Bryan Cranston, who has been promoting his role in the new Power Rangers movie. but made time to tell a bunch of hilariously blatant lies to get these puppies adopted.
Scott Eastwood The Funny or Die Bachelor for Dogs
Just when we thought Scott Eastwood, son of Hollywood legend Clint Eastwood, couldn’t possibly be any more of a dreamboat, we stumbled across this Funny or Die parody of The Bachelor. Check out Scott’s hypnotizing baby blue’s below, you will not regret it. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Funny Or Die (@funnyordie) There he is, in all his shirtless glory, amidst a literal dog-pile of adorableness.
Friar Moustache, Stray Dog to Adopted Monk by a Bolivian Monastery
St. Francis of Assisi (the patron saint of animals) would be proud of the newest addition to a Bolivian Monastery: Friar Moustache. The Schnauzer named Carmelo was adopted by a Franciscan Monastery in Bolivia and has quickly become the Monks favourite brother.
Paralyzed Puppy Drags Herself Through African Wilderness to Safety
Poppy is a puppy who faced impossible odds: young, alone and unable to use her back legs. She also lives in a remote region of Botswana in southern Africa, where lions and many other predators could easily make her their lunch. In spite of this, she had the heart to survive and in turn inspire others.
Doggie Mom Loses Puppies in Barn Fire, Finds Orphaned Pups to Adopt and Care For
©Facebook / Daisy Woodruff – Daisy feeding the newly adopted puppies Last month a fire broke out in an Oregon barn, sadly killing the animals living inside. This included a few goats and pigs, along with a litter of puppies. Daisy the momma dog managed to survive, as her humans had to hold her from running into the burning barn.
#PugChat: The Weekly Wednesday Twitter Chat All About Pugs
Have you ever wondered what Pugs talk about? Now, thanks to the all-powerful world of Twitter, this information is available at your fingertips. Or pawtips.
Meet Toast: From Puppy Mills to Modelling Contracts, Celeb Cameos, and Book Deals
Toast Meets World: the King Charles Spaniel with more fame, more friends and a better fashion sense than you. The suave, Farrah Fawcett look alike was rescued from a puppy mill by father and American pop-culture commentator/model Josh “The Fat Jew” Ostrovsky and his then-wife publicist Katie Sturino. Her tongue perpetually sticks out of the side of her mouth (a super cute side effect from having all of her teeth removed) giving her an idgaf vibe, much like her father.