Dogs are taking over the world! Okay, maybe not the whole world, but they are definitely making a name for themselves in the entertainment industry. You’ve probably seen pictures of famous dogs on social media with millions of followers, and now some of them are getting movie deals and even book deals. It seems like anything a dog does is adorable and worth following, and we can’t get enough of their antics.


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Manny the French Bulldog with 150,000 Fans and Snoop Dogg is One of Them

Who’s got Snoop Dogg as a personal fan, exclusively sleeps in sinks and has more followers than you? Manny the French Bulldog, of course. This smiley babe started life as the unwanted runt of a litter, he’s now raised over $150,000 for charity.

Woman brings her dog to a Furry Convention, hilariously finds out it’s not for pets

Last week, Link the Bernese mountain dog, who also works as a therapy dog, went with his human Cheryl Wassus to the Motor City Furry Con. Link’s human is a volunteer for the non-profit Pets for Vets, which this “furry” convention was sponsoring, so she thought it would be fun to check it out. They did have fun, but they had no idea that “furry” isn’t about pets.

Pumpkin the Orphaned Raccoon That Thinks She’s a Dog

Unlike her dumpster-diving ancestors, Pumpkin the Raccoon exudes class. Her tiny little fingers sift through porcelain-plated berries instead of trash and she sleeps on fine linens. The little rascal lives the good life in The Bahama’s with her loving family.

Wheelchair Dog Runs Faster Than Regular Dogs at the Park, Wins The Race to our Hearts

While this tiny Boston terrier lacks the use of his back legs, he makes up for it with a big positive attitude. And not only that, he’s able to keep up and even runs faster than his four-legged buddies! Check out the video and let this little guy inspire you to conquer the obstacles in your life.

This Corgi Mermaid on a Thailand Beach is Pure #summerbod Goals

With summer just around the corner, many of us are aiming to back in shape. One big reason is to look good on the beach. Sure you might be a fit human or a fit fish or some combination of the two… But you can just give up now because you’ll never look as good as this corgi mermaid.

Taiwan Becomes First Asian Country to Officially Ban Eating Dog and Cat Meat

In Asia, eating dogs and cats is legal, but many people there are changing their views on this controversial issue. Taiwan is now the first Asian country to make it an official law that dogs and cats can’t be slaughtered and sold for humans to eat. This is part of new animal protection laws that have been developing in the country for the last few years.

French Bulldogs Playing Soccer for Disabled Dog Charity (VIDEO)

We can all agree French bulldogs are pretty much peak cute already. But how about Frenchies playing soccer? But also playing to support a charity?

National Pet Day April 11th – Grab Your Fur Baby and Show Them Some Love

April 11th is National Pet Day! Grab your fur baby and show them some love. If you’re pet-less you can still observe the most important holiday of the year by heading down to an animal shelter to do some good.

The Inspirational Story of a Broke Sylvester Stallone Selling his Dog for $40 and Buying Him Back for $15,000

Have you heard the famous story of Butkus Stallone who was tragically separated from his human before being reunited and starring in the film Rocky? Sylvester Stallone got Butkus when he was just a tiny puppy in 1971. This is when he was a struggling actor and could barely afford food or housing for him or Butkus.

After Fostering a Pit Bull, Patrick Stewart is Now Campaigning Against Dogfighting

Last month, we covered the heartwarming story of Sir Patrick Stewart and his foster pit bull Ginger. Stewart was so inspired by Ginger’s love and the good humans at L.A.’s Wags and Walks (who set him up with the rescued pit bull), he’s joined the fight against dog fighting. Stewart hasn’t had a dog in over 50 years, but he’s said the short time fostering Ginger has changed his outlook on dogs and also life.