Dogs are taking over the world! Okay, maybe not the whole world, but they are definitely making a name for themselves in the entertainment industry. You’ve probably seen pictures of famous dogs on social media with millions of followers, and now some of them are getting movie deals and even book deals. It seems like anything a dog does is adorable and worth following, and we can’t get enough of their antics.


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Tortoises, cats and dog inherit tens of thousands from bookshop tycoon Christina Foyle

Silverstone the tortoise inherited $27,000 when his former owner, bookshop tycoon Christina Foyle, passed away in 1999. Ultimately, she left behind a $120,000,000 fortune, a chaotic bookshop, and a number of wealthy pets. She bequeathed $200,000 to her gardener, Anthony Scillitoe so that he and his wife could care for her pets after her death.

Norbert the 3lb therapy dog brings smiles to sick kids

Norbert, a 3lb philanthropist mixed breed mutt is one of a kind. He’s a “philosopher, intuitive healer, and fashion-forward snappy dresser”. Or at least his mom thinks so.

Top 5 Tongue Waggin’ Instagram Stars

If you’re like us, your Instagram feed can never have too many cute animal pictures. We’ve put together a list of our favourite, sassy canines and felines who can’t seem to keep their mouths shut. Literally.

Hero dog Luca comes out of retirement for one last job

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes, this particular one is a retiree covered in fur. Luca is an eleven year old German Shepherd (which is 77 in dog years) who was called to duty last year when an elderly gentleman with Alzheimer’s went missing. Two older men visited a salvage yard in Fort Worth, the day was going well until one of the men disappeared.

Vet Ranch: modern day heroes saving the world one rescue at a time

Paralyzed miracle kittens, 101 stray dalmatians, and abused puppies who never give up are all in a day’s work for Vet Ranch. The charitable organization was started by modern day hero Dr. Matt Carriker in 2014.

Hero Doggo: US Marine Cena served 3 tours in Afghanistan, gets tearful sendoff after terminal cancer

Hundreds gathered in Michigan to salute and say goodbye to a true four-legged hero. Cena was a 10-year-old black labrador and a US marine who served three tours of duty in Afghanistan. In 2009, Cena served his first tour as a bomb sniffer with human marine Jeff DeYoung and again in 2010.

All Samoyed Barbershop Quartet Good Boy Group makes waves in the a Cappella Scene

Watch out, Pitch Perfect there’s a new a cappella group in town. So they might be a little out of tune, but what they lack in pitch they make up for in cuteness. The all-Samoyed music artists are produced by Head of the Class Dog Training in Winchester, VA.

Meet Freddy, the World’s Tallest Dog at over 7 feet, 6 inches

In 2012, Claire Stoneman picked up a great dane pup that was the runt of the litter. Little did she know, he would end up being in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s tallest dog at 7’6” standing upright. Credit: @freddygreatdane IG Tipping the scales at over 200 pounds, Freddy towers over his 5’4” human.

Dog meat farmer has a heart, turns to Humane Society for help saving 148 dogs

You won’t find many young South Koreans who support the archaic traditions surrounding the Bok Nal Days. Nara Kim from the Humane Society International (HSI) is one citizen who opposes the dog meat trade and antiquated Bok Nal practices. She’s an outspoken animal rights activist who helped a Korean dog meat farmer rescue 148 pups destined for the meat market.

LouLou the Pug will steal your man

Loulou the pug is a SnapChat filter come to life – she puts the bae in basic. No joke, this pug is cuter than anything (and anyone) we’ve ever seen. Credit: @pugloulou IG Loulou’s Instagram was created as a byproduct of Markus Muller’s brainchild, Meet The Pugs.