Snoop Dogg is well known for his love for dogs and all animals. He has at least 11 dogs and 2 cats currently under his roof, with many more throughout the years. Then in a July 2023 interview with Nardwuar the Human Serviette, he admitted to previously having a pet cockroach!

Gooch used to live with me, in my apartment, I had a roach that we couldn’t kill. We tried to kill the muthaf*kka when we first moved in, and he wouldn’t die, so we called him ‘The Gooch.’ He just kept getting bigger and bigger,. I stayed in that apartment for like about six, seven month, cuz grew to the size of about a whole dollar bill. … We used to leave food out for him and everything.
Snoop Dog, July 2023
The interview below will start when he mentions his pet roach Gooch.
And make sure to meet the rest of Snoop Dog’s celebrity pets.