Prohor is a kind human living in Russia on a mission to serve stray cats in his city…

With the help of a drone and remote control car! (with a camera attached so we can all enjoy these delighted kitties)
Prohor spoke with Bored Panda, saying, “I saw similar content on the internet, where people were just driving a remote control car around the city. I came up with the idea to use this machine to feed street animals, and that’s how my project was born. After a while, I wanted to diversify my content, so I tried to make a video clip using a quadcopter.”
Prohor said it was relatively easy to track down and feed hungry kittes and the real challenge is human children, “In principle, there are no difficulties. Well, except for the children; they immediately rush over at the sight of the car or quadcopter, especially now that a lot of people know about my project.”
He also wants to level up his mission, saying, “I have grand plans, but unfortunately, there isn’t enough funding for this dream. I plan to buy a larger remote-controlled car, install a video camera on it, and use it to feed more than 20 cats at once. I want to drive it around the city from home.”
But Prohor is hoping for donations to help fund his feline-feeding mission. If you can, head over to And for certain donation amounts, he’ll feature your name or Instagram handle in the video (which you’ll notice in many of the videos). You can follow (and fly) along with him on Instagram at