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Sarah Silverman's Pets

Does Sarah Silverman Have Any Pets?


Breed: Mixed Breed | Adopted 1999

Sarah Silverman had a chihuahua pug mix named Duck she adopted from a Van Nuys shelter in 1999. Duck passed away in September 2013 at an incredible 19 years old.

When Duck crossed the Rainbow Bridge, Silverman posted a memorial for Duck on the now-defunct WhoSay: “Duck “Doug” Silverman came into my life about 14 years ago. He was picked up by the State running through South Central with no collar, tags or chip. Nobody claimed or adopted him so a no-kill shelter took him in. That’s where I found him — at that shelter, in Van Nuys. Since then we have slept most every night together (and many lazy afternoons.) When we first met, the vet approximated his age at 5½ so I’d say he was about 19 as of yesterday, September 3, 2013.

He was a happy dog, though serene. And stoic. And he loved love.

Over the past few years he became blind, deaf, and arthritic. But with a great vet, good meds, and a first rate seeing-eye person named me, he truly seemed comfortable.

Recently, however, he stopped eating or drinking. He was skin and bones and so weak. I couldn’t figure out this hunger strike. Duck had never been political before. And then, over the weekend, I knew. It was time to let him go.

My boyfriend Kyle flew in late last night and took the day off from work to be with us. We laid in bed and massaged his tiny body, as we love to do – hearing his little “I’m in heaven” breaths.

The doctor came and Kyle, my sister, Laura and I laid on the bed. I held him close – in our usual spoon position and stroked him. I told him how loved he was, and thanked him for giving me such happiness and for his unwavering companionship and love. The doctor gave him a shot and he fell asleep, and then another that was basically an overdose of sleeping meds. I held him and kissed him and whispered to him well passed his passing. I picked him up and his body was limp – you don’t think about the head – it just falls. I held him so tight. And then finally, when his body lost its heat, and I could sense the doctor thinking about the imminent rush hour traffic, I handed him over.

14 years.

My longest relationship.

My only experience of maternal love.

My constant companion.

My best friend.



Breed: Mixed Breed | Adopted 2014

Sarah Silverman currently has a really old rescue dog named Mary, who she adopted after Duck passed away sometime in 2014.

Sarah Silverman

Sarah Silverman Pets


December 1, 1970 (54)

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Actors Comedians

Sarah Silverman is an American comedian, actress, and writer known for her bold and irreverent style of comedy. She first gained recognition for her work as a writer and performer on “Saturday Night Live” in the 1990s, and has since become one of the most influential and distinctive voices in comedy. Silverman is known for her controversial and unapologetic humor, as well as her willingness to tackle sensitive and taboo subjects in her comedy. She has released several comedy albums and specials, and has also appeared in numerous films and television shows, including “The School of Rock” (2003), “Wreck-It Ralph” (2012), and “Masters of Sex” (2013-2016). With her sharp wit and fearless approach to comedy, Sarah Silverman has established herself as one of the most original and entertaining comedians of her generation.