Meet Willy, an Australian Shepherd, and Jax, a Golden Retriever. Together, they host The Willy Good Dog Pawdcast – the first and most hyped canine podcast out there today.

The doggy duo launched their pawdcast in 2023 and it’s been growing in pupularity ever since with over 600k followers.
A lot of their discussions involve dealing with their pawrents, with plenty of knowledge and advice their canine audience appreciates.
And what dog can’t relate to being left home alone.
Like human-hosted podcasts, they’ll also bring in special guests. Such as professional dogs like Kevin, a service dog that helps his human when she has seizures.
And international guests.
They even controversially had a cat as a guest.
They also hosted a few pawdcasts in the great outdoors.
And like their human influencer counterparts, they also get treated to fun hotel getaways.
But they’re not always yapping and enjoy taking time off for relaxing and recreation.
To keep up with these chatty canines, you can follow @officialwillygooddog on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, and yes, even LinkedIn.