Pets have always been there right when we need them, but sometimes they need help too. Fortunately, many of these animals are rescued by kind-hearted individuals who provide them with a loving home. These rescues are the very best of humanity.

Rescues Stories

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Lost Cat Goes on a 2,000 Mile, 4-year Mystery Trip from California to Canada

BooBoo the cat’s story started in 2013 when she was found by Ashley Aleman. Only a few months old, BooBoo was a stray that was lucky to be found by Ashley and her sister. Their parents had said they couldn’t get a cat and they already had a pit bull, so the sisters hid BooBoo for a week.

Taiwan Becomes First Asian Country to Officially Ban Eating Dog and Cat Meat

In Asia, eating dogs and cats is legal, but many people there are changing their views on this controversial issue. Taiwan is now the first Asian country to make it an official law that dogs and cats can’t be slaughtered and sold for humans to eat. This is part of new animal protection laws that have been developing in the country for the last few years.

French Bulldogs Playing Soccer for Disabled Dog Charity (VIDEO)

We can all agree French bulldogs are pretty much peak cute already. But how about Frenchies playing soccer? But also playing to support a charity?

After Fostering a Pit Bull, Patrick Stewart is Now Campaigning Against Dogfighting

Last month, we covered the heartwarming story of Sir Patrick Stewart and his foster pit bull Ginger. Stewart was so inspired by Ginger’s love and the good humans at L.A.’s Wags and Walks (who set him up with the rescued pit bull), he’s joined the fight against dog fighting. Stewart hasn’t had a dog in over 50 years, but he’s said the short time fostering Ginger has changed his outlook on dogs and also life.

How a Feral Silicon Valley Cat Became Hamilton the Hipster Cat

Hamilton the Hipster Cat @hamilton_the_hipster_cat was once a feral in Silicon Valley. He made an instant connection with his techie dad who adopted him on the spot. For Ham, it’s a classic rags to riches story.

Princess Monster Truck – From the Streets of New York to a Posh Brooklyn Apartment

Princess Monster Truck was discovered on the mean streets of New York by a pair of artists, she now lives the trendy life in her Brooklyn apartment. Monster’s got a fanged underbite that gets it’s own satellite signal and a serious pair of hypnotizing green eyes. View this post on Instagram A post shared by PrincessMonsterTruck © (@princessmonstertruck) The cat, dirty and matted, tumbled out of some bushes late one gloomy night, stared at her future parents and howled through her pearly whites.

Hero Accountant Runs a Pet and Dog Retirement Home for “Unadoptables”

Steve Greigs, an accountant in Colorado, has made it his life’s mission to adopt the unadoptable. Greigs has ten senior dogs, a potbelly pig named Bikini, a couple of cats, two ducks, a rabbit and a chicken named Oprah. Oh, and Jim the Pigeon.

Friar Moustache, Stray Dog to Adopted Monk by a Bolivian Monastery

St. Francis of Assisi (the patron saint of animals) would be proud of the newest addition to a Bolivian Monastery: Friar Moustache. The Schnauzer named Carmelo was adopted by a Franciscan Monastery in Bolivia and has quickly become the Monks favourite brother.

Paralyzed Puppy Drags Herself Through African Wilderness to Safety

Poppy is a puppy who faced impossible odds: young, alone and unable to use her back legs. She also lives in a remote region of Botswana in southern Africa, where lions and many other predators could easily make her their lunch. In spite of this, she had the heart to survive and in turn inspire others.

Goldfish Needs Help Swimming, gets Tiny Custom Wheelchair

Today we learned about a goldfish that needed help and was saved in the cutest way possible: with a tiny aquatic “wheelchair”. Taylor Dean, an animal lover and educator on YouTube, has a friend named Derek that works at a local aquarium shop who shared his good deed for the day with her. My friend made a wheelchair for a goldfish— taylor nicole dean (@taylorndean) March 10, 2017 Derek told Taylor that a customer brought in their pet goldfish, saying that the fish couldn’t swim properly or stay upright.